Tuesday, November 30, 2010
"QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "Where Do We Go"
"There are days, in our lives, when we need and want to get away from people, for one reason or another. We may retreat into our homes or into our own rooms when we need a break from people contact. We all have those moments, from time to time, when we need to have some "alone" time. Where do we go when we need to get away from ourselves? Come on now, you know those times when our weaknesses and frailties get the best of us, and we just want to get out of our own skin. Where do we go? There are two things for certain, we may be able to get away from people, but we cannot get away from ourselves or from the Lord Creator God, WHO is ever present in our lives. So, where do we go when the reality of our humanness and all it's weaknesses looms large? The smart thing to do would be to turn to Creator God, WHO is with us anyway, to honor HIM for HIS greatness and the fact that HE is larger than any weakness or failing in ourselves. In HIS grandness, we can find our purpose, our strength, our Godliness. For everything HE is, far over shadows our puniness. Think on that." Peace
Monday, November 29, 2010
"QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "In the Quiet"
"It is in the QUIET that we can best hear the voice of the Lord God Creator. He speaks softly to our innermost being. His voice may come in the form of a thought, or "feeling" within our spirit; or it can be heard as a "still small voice" that echos in our mind's ear. Anyway, without getting QUIET from time to time, we can miss some of the most precious and profound lessons and words from Him. Let's make an effort to get QUIET." Peace
QUIET TIME WORDS: BY Carla-Rae " His Will Equals LIBERTY"
" Creator God wants us to desire to love His will. Trusting in and desiring His will for our lives brings true happiness and Spirit Rest. After all, His will for us is ultimate, and total, freedom. SHOUT LIBERTY!!! REJOICE! Freedom/Liberty is what our Creator wants for His children. How great is that? GO GOD!!! " Peace
Saturday, November 27, 2010
"QUIET TIME WORDS:By Carla-Rae "Blessing"
"In a world where discord and disagreement abound, it would be wise to think about the "Blessing Of Creator" and offer His Blessing to others, even if we don't necessarily agree with them or what they are doing. Since Creator God, loves us all regardless of who we are, wouldn't it be wonderful for us to trust Him with the state of our own and other people's lives rather than us trying to fix the wrong. He is much more capable than we are. We simply offer prayers of blessing, and trust Creator to bring the change about in our own lives and the lives of others. Interestingly, we do not have to agree with the acts of another in order to offer blessing on them. It may be difficult to our senses, but we are talking about the Soul and Spirit. Let us look beyond our differences. Release blessing upon others and watch ourselves be released. Go God!" Peace
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"QUIET TIME WORDS:By Carla-Rae "Thankful"
According to Merriam Webster, "Thankful" is "Grateful, appreciating, appreciative, valuing, prizing, cherishing, treasured, satisfied, content..." You get the picture. However the meanings that stood out to me the most were, "satisfied" and "content". The question that begs to be asked is, in our "thankfulness", are we, indeed, satisfied and content with our present circumstances of life? Once we have determined the response to the question, then we must determine how we must act upon our response. No matter how we respond or how we act upon our response, CREATOR is ALWAYS with us. In that, we can be "satisfied" and "content". Peace
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
"Quiet Time Words: By Carla-Rae "He is Faithful"
"Creator is always faithful. We, however, tend to lose our faith along the way as we face extreme difficulty or challenges. Thankfully, He never changes and is not moved by adversity. Give thanks for that." Peace
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
"QUIET TIME WORD": By Carla-Rae "The Only One"
"We have family. We have Friends. We have neighbors. However, regardless of all these wonderful people, in our lives, there is only One Who is with us in all of life's situations, our Creator. When everyone else is focused on their own lives, He is the One Who is with us. He is with us, when no one else can be. We are never alone. Think on that." Peace
Monday, November 22, 2010
How The "QUIET TIME WORDS" By Carla-Rae began
BY Carla-Rae
Inspired by the Great Holy Creator
Forward by Carla-Rae:
My name is Carla-Rae. I am a devoutly spiritual individual. I am a woman, a wife, a mom, and recently a GRAMMY and I make my career as an actress. I am of Seneca/Mohawk /French Canadian decent and I am a believer in the Jesus Way. I believe Jesus followed the guidance of His Father and passed that wisdom on to us by example in His teaching and through the inspiration of the Great Holy Spirit and the teaching of the great cloud of witnesses, our ancestors, who have lived and gone before us. I believe that we gain wisdom and life lessons, as we spend QUIET TIME, in meditation before Him each day.
It is in the QUIET TIMES that we gain our strength and understanding for the mysteries of life. In these QUIET TIME WORDS It is my hope and prayer that you will receive, wisdom, understanding, comfort, compassion, strength, endurance and acceptance for the other moments of life that may not be so QUIET.
Since 2009, I have been blessed to receive a Gem, a gift to share and pass on to you during my QUIET TIME and I have been doing so in written form via Facebook and other public forums. I have been honored to receive much encouraging feedback from so many of you. I am presently compiling these words into Devotional Book form and hope to be completed soon. Thus, Copywrites are being associated with these words. However, in my QUIET TIME, over the last week I have been impressed to not only write these words, but to share them via internet in visual video format. Therefore, I hope you will follow the QUIET TIME WORDS, by Carla-Rae in this media format option of internet viewing.
May the words given to me to share inspire you to spend more QUIET TIME with Creator and therefore become closer to Him and His guidance for your life.
I humbly thank you for the honor of your presence and acceptance of these QUIET TIME WORDS, (A Devotional Journal, A Spiritual Journey) By Carla-Rae
Sunday, November 21, 2010
"Quiet Time Words: By Carla-Rae "The Combination"
The Combination"
"Peace, joy and love.
This combination will always take the sting
out of adversity and hardship."
The Combination"
"Peace, joy and love.
This combination will always take the sting
out of adversity and hardship."
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