Thursday, December 23, 2010

" The Most Wonderful Time...FORGIVENESS"

"Ah, the Christmas Holiday Season... It is the most wonderful time of the year. It can be the time of blessed fellowship with family and friends...And truth be told, it can be the most difficult time, especially when family members or friends are holding issues/grudges that seem to raise their ugly heads when everyone is gathered. FORGIVENESS.... Without it families can dissolve and friendships evaporate... FORGIVENESS... Without it, the only person who is hurting is the one who hasn't FORGIVEN, and it leaves the one who is not FORGIVEN, (for whatever reason) left wondering, "What on earth is going on."
FORGIVENESS...With it, families and friendships become stronger. FORGIVENESS... With it, hearts become lighter and life sweeter.
So, this Christmas season, FORGIVE any wrongs done to you, or  Ask FORGIVENESS if you have committed a wrong. Get on with life and the most wonderful time of the year. Just sayin'"


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


"I am REMINDED of the importance of friends as I sit drinking my morning coffee in the mug that a dear friend gave me. It reads, "Ace Actor: Proud to be a 100% all natural, leg breaking, audition going, entertaining, talented ACTOR." My friend gave this mug to me as a "REMINDER" of what she thinks of my ability, and as a marker, to keep "REMINDING" myself, in my career choice in life, this is who I am.

As we look around our homes and our lives, we will see constant REMINDERS of who we are In Christ. As friends of the Almighty, we can walk with our heads held high knowing we can achieve anything we put our hearts to do.

So, I offer this little blog to you today as a REMINDER that you have the ability and strength within yourself to reach for the stars and master the goals in your life. Be eternally grateful for Creator God Almighty and the people He puts into your life as "REMINDERS" of how wonderful you are.


Friday, December 17, 2010

"QUIET TIME WORDS: BY Carla-Rae "Self Worth"

"Today, while driving, I saw a billboard that caused me to do some thinking. The billboard read: "Recession Proof 101: Remember that self worth far out weighs net worth."

In the changing and challenging times, where the media and advertisements are  so positioned on pointing out the need for this and that, and more things,  and if you don't HAVE this or that and the multitude of things,  somehow you're personal value is less,  based on what you own or don't own. It is not what we do to make a living that determines our character,  It is not how much money we make or do not make that determines our character.  It is not what we own or don't own that determines our character. What determines our character, is our relationship with our Creator and how we sees ourselves. We fall into trouble when we start comparing ourselves to others rather than setting our own Godly standard and following that. Let's not buy the lie that we must be, do, have, and think like everyone else in order to have value and self worth. Godly character and "Self worth", in the balance, always out weighs "Net worth".'
Think on that."


Monday, December 13, 2010

QUIET TIME WORDS: BY Carla-Rae " A Little Sweetness"

"Add a little sweetness to your day"; I read on a sign today. As I thought about that short statement, I thought of the many ways sweetness can be added to each one of our days. Greet a stranger with a smile and a "Good Day, to you". Watch a child's amazement as he/she discover's something new. Write a letter to a dear friend and actually attach a stamp to it, instead of zipping off an email. I have discovered that people still like to receive physical letters and cards. Anyway, you get my point. There are countless ways to add sweetness to our own, or someone else's day. One of the best ways I know to add sweetness to our day, is to acknowledge our wonderful Creator God for all He does and has done in our lives."


Sunday, December 12, 2010

QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae " Celebrate the Little Things"

"So many times we wait excitedly for the BIG EVENTS or occasions in our lives and we forget to "celebrate the little things". Like sitting quietly, with a friend, a nice cup of tea or coffee,  just "being". Nothing BIG, just a celebration of simplicity. This is how Creator God likes fellowship with us, as well. Just to, simply,  sit in His presence and enjoy the celebration. Think on that. "


Friday, December 10, 2010

'QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "Life Is a Prayer"

"Every thing we do, and every breath we take, and every word speak, from the time we are born, until our last breath, is a continual prayer. In essence, our lives are prayers that we offer to our Creator God, moment by moment, day by day.  Think about it; just by virtue of the fact that He Created each one of us, we are already a pleasure and joy to His heart. WOW! That is deep, yet profoundly simple. Think on that".


Thursday, December 9, 2010

QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae " The Quiet Place"

"It's the time of year when everyone wants to spend time with loved ones and friends. It's Christmas time; the holidays, shopping, travel, meals together; all good and nobel for sure. When we step back and take a look at the reality of multitudes of people in shopping malls, at airports or on the roads traveling, gathered at parties and at tables, the question that begs to be asked is, "Do we really see the big picture?" The big picture is, actually, a small picture, a quiet picture,  a picture of His followers joining Him in the quiet time place of prayer. May each one of you enjoy your Christmas time, your loved ones, your friends; never forgetting the importance of the Quiet Time tucked away with HIM."


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Quiet Time Words: By Carla-Rae "What's More Important"

"The moments in life that are important will inevitably be distracted by what seems more important, until you think about the "missed important moments"; because they were distracted by what SEEMED like more important moments. A good example of this, would be, you are spending time in connected conversation with your spouse, or child, or friend,  and the phone rings. At that moment you could stop the conversation to answer the phone. The phone call may have been important for the caller, but for you, well, a moment of connectedness with a loved one has just been lost. Next time something tries to distract you from the REAL important moments of life, just let it go. Trust me, the distraction, or phone will always ring again. What's more important?"


Monday, December 6, 2010

"QUIET TIME WORDS: BY Carla-Rae "Help Me"

"Why is it so difficult for us to ask for help? My take on this question is that many times we feel as though we must be "strong", "work through every situation and difficulty on our own", "pull ourselves up by our boot straps, stand tall, head up, chest out". If we don't do these things, then others will think we are failures or not capable of facing the "hand that is dealt us." In fact, this is a very dangerous and prideful way of thinking. Without realizing it, we come across to others as if we don't need them, or want them.
Bottom line, we do need other's help. Whether it is Divine help or human help, when we face difficulties and problems and we become overwhelmed, that is exactly when we need to ask for help.
Actually, "Help Me", are some of Creator God's favorite words to hear coming from His children. It tells Him we understand our weaknesses and trust Him to help us through.
I am learning this lesson every day. When I find myself overwhelmed by something, I am actually learning to lean on Creator more, and on family and friends. It is nothing to be ashamed of to need a helping hand. So, don't buy the lie that to ask for help means we are weak, or useless.
We need each other and there is strength and safety when we reach out."


Friday, December 3, 2010

QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae " The Darkness"

"Today I was reminded of a time when I had, had a surgery. Nothing major, really, but afterward I had gotten very sick. The sickness lasted for over 9 months. I could not keep food down. My stomach was in constant pain, not just a "tummy ache, I'm talking "gut wrenching" pain. I thought it had to do with the surgery and that there was something major wrong with me, but I was assured by my doctor that the surgery went exactly as it should have. So, he began to do all sorts of tests and could not determine what was causing my affliction.

During this time of "TESTING" I remember lying on my bed crying out in pain and to Creator God of All. "What is wrong?" I persisted. "Everything seems so dark. My spirits are down and I actually feel "the darkness" all around me, Lord God." At that moment I had a glimpse, a brief vision, if you will. What I saw was nothing short of very interesting. I saw, what my spirit knew immediately, was Creator God's back. Yes, His Back. And it was huge!  It was as if He was lying with HIS back next to mine and the darkness was actually HIS SHADOW! He reminded me that I am to "rest in the SHADOW of the Almighty!" Then He showed me that He was actually covering me/protecting me from the enemy of my soul, really wanted to do to me.

Creator God thinks enough of each one of us to protect us under His Shadow. Even when we are not aware of His presence, He is there. So, in the midst of my pain and "testing" He revealed Himself and put my heart at ease.
Shortly after that brief vision and experience, it was determined that I have celiac, (an allergy to wheat, barley and rye gluten) which was brought on by the trauma my body endured during the surgery. Go figure, aye?

So, all that to say this, whenever you feel surrounded by darkness and you want to give up because you think you cannot take one more day of your circumstances, just ask Creator to remind you that you are loved and covered under HIS SHADOW.
Trust me, getting a glimpse of HIS HUGENESS, makes any situation seem very small in comparison."


Thursday, December 2, 2010

"QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "People Pleasing"

" We spend much of our time and effort trying not to disappoint people; Whether it be family members, friends, acquaintances even to the point of over doing, just to please them. The question is, do we spend that much effort in our relationship to Creator God Almighty? He longs for our presence and fellowship. After all, He Created us for fellowship/relationship with Him. The next time the need to please people, just so we look good in their eyes, (that's what we do it for isn't it?),  how about we give equal, if not more, time to God. It is in HIS eyes we, truly, need to be pleasing. Just sayin." Peace