Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Seek God

"Seek God in the happy, good times.
Seek God in the rough, bad times.
GOD is with us ALL the time."


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"Sifting and Purifying"

Quiet Time Word: Carla-Rae

"Sifting and Purifying"

Just as we sift grain or flour to remove impurities before we can put these elements to proper use, we should allow God to sift our lives of any impurities that would hinder our lives from being a good example to others.

Oh, Lord, help me to let go of the "things" that keep me from being a good example to others.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Enjoy Where You Are...

Quiet Time Word: By Carla-Rae

This bears repeating.

"Enjoy where you ARE, while you are on the way to where you are going."


We Can Only be Who we Are...

Quiet Time Word: Carla-Rae, 

"We can only be who we are. We will never do 'everything' right and we will never say 'all the right' things. In Christ we can be thankful that there is ONE WHO understands and accepts us just the way we are." GO GO!

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Who is Our Center"

Simply put, "We must have a center, or we are off balance."


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

'QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "Performance Anxiety"

Did you know that Creator God's "love" flows out from eternity without conditions or limits? Yes, unconditionally.  Did you also know, that once we have acknowledged and accepted HIM into our lives, there is nothing we can do to change HIS unconditional love toward us? And further more our performance, no matter how wonderful, does not make HIM love us more or less. God's "love" and our performance are completely different issues. What a relief!
It is not about "US" and what we "DO". It is about an eternal God who loves us with an everlasting love. Our accomplishments have no effect on God's love for us. Therefore,  we can leave our anxiety at the door, and receive HIS peace and love without fail.



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Quiet time Words" by Carla-Rae "Our Weakness; HIS Strength"

Our Creator God designed us to be filled with HIs heavenly, divine, contents. We are merely vessels made of earth and clay, with many weaknesses, yet our weaknesses give HIM room to shine brightly in and through us. We will never be perfect in this "earthen vessel". However, as we yield to HIS perfection, allowing it to operate through us, HIS spirit can reach others in ways we could never have dreamed possible. It is NOT about us. Actually, it is about us getting out of the way, (humbling ourselves, if you will), so HE can be seen in everything we do. In other words, HIS power shines brightly, while our weakness is overshadowed by HIM.
In humility and a contrite heart, God can do His mightiest work.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


THE GAUNTLET: So many times we want our lives to be free from distraction and clutter in order to spend time with our Creator. Today, Creator challenges us. He "throws down the Gauntlet." The challenge is to determine to spend time with HIM knowing that our lives are filled with every manner of distraction and clutter. In the coming away, with Him, in the midst of all the distraction, HE helps us to purpose our day and our lives with HIS presence and PEACE. We will never be free, entirely, in this world, of outward distraction and interruption. However, if we determine to pick up HIS challenge, HE will guide our paths to peace and harmony. Let us remind ourselves of this concept, daily. GOD, first; and life's clutter will not seem so overwhelming.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

QUIET TIME WORDS:by Carla-Rae "Believe"

Simply put:

Believe it....
Declare it...
Receive it as it comes into sight...


Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Quiet time Words" by Carla-Rae "The Power of Love"

"LOVE"... bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things... LOVE never fails.
1 Corinthians 13

When I think of the power that accompanies that one word, "LOVE", my natural mind cannot wrap itself around all the possibilities. However, when I let my spirit soar, there are no limits to what unleashed "LOVE" can accomplish. "LOVE", the kind that does what the verse indicates, accomplishes infinitely more than we can ask or think.

"LOVE" ... Bears ALL things...Think of that. Every good, bad, evil, or indifferent thing that happens to us or those we care about... LOVE will bear it. That is POWER.
"LOVE" ... Believes ALL things... No matter what people say about you, think about you, do to you, LOVE looks beyond and thinks the best, it believes in us. Again, POWER.
"LOVE" ... Hopes ALL things... No matter what comes our way...LOVE hopes for the best in ALL things. POWER to overcome.
"LOVE"... Endures ALL things... Life brings every kind of situation at us... In those situations we can prevail and take the high road by allowing LOVE to be our master of endurance.
"LOVE"... NEVER FAILS... That statement in and of itself is so liberating and freeing... When we, as individuals, allow LOVE to be our answer to every situation in our lives, we become overcomers, winners, free, and peaceful. Furthermore, those who encounter us get the LOVE that is flooding through us splashed all over them, which in turn permits them to lavish LOVE into the lives of those they encounter and so the circle goes round. POWER to affect others for good.

Please don't misunderstand me, I, personally,  know I have not "arrived" and have not fully grasped the infinite ramifications of this all empowering concept. However, though I may sound idealistic in thought, the truth of the matter is, most all of the problems we face today, in our own lives and in world issues, would be dealt with peaceably and honorably if we would each begin to operate in the power of this "LOVE" force, in at least one area of our lives. If we think we are powerless to do so, we need simply to ask our God, WHO is the source of all LOVE and HE will give us the strength to operate in His "LOVE".


Monday, March 21, 2011

QUIET TIME WORDS: by Carla-Rae "Bear Ye One Another's Burdens"

"Bear Ye One Another's Burdens"

A few years ago I was in my Quiet Time when  I was impressed to study the scripture verse "Bear Ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ" On first blush, when I saw that verse my thought was, "Lord, how can I bear (carry) someone else's burdens when I cannot even handle (carry) my own?" As I pondered this verse, the word 'Bear' seemed to be illuminated. I went to my trusty Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus. Needless to say, there were several definitions for the word 'bear'. The one that seemed to stand out to me was 'to lift; yield'.
The answer to my question was there right in front of me, written in black and white; 'lift; yield'. Though, 'carry' is one of the definitions to the word 'bear', I felt as though my answer was, "Carla-Rae, YOU cannot  'carry' the burden's of others and you cannot 'carry' your own burden's. Through prayer, however, you can 'lift; yield" those burdens to ME, your God, and TRUST that I will do what needs to be done with those burdens."

WOW, what liberty and freedom through 'TRUST' in God.

I encourage you, the next time you feel the weight of carrying a burden, might I suggest you 'lift; yield' it to God, through prayer and 'trust' He can handle it.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

QUIET TIME WORDS: by Carla-Rae "Today"

Quiet Time Words: By Carla- Rae

"TODAY, as in every day, God has a plan. The beauty of our relationship with Him is that He lovingly allows us to fill in the blanks of each day with the pen or marker He places in our hands. In addition, we have the assurance that He is always with us to guide us and direct us in that Plan. Today is a good day. Trust Him every step of the way."


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Carla- Rae and Emily Podleski "Train for the Cure"

As a young girl, age 10,  I lost my mother to cancer. She had breast and then ovarian cancer. Though I have fond memories of my mother, it was difficult growing up without a mom.  Later her sister, my aunt also was diagnosed with cancer. My cousin also had a scare finding a lump on her breast and even I, too, had a scare having a suspicious lump on my right breast. All these close to home events, coupled with many friends and friends of friends being diagnosed with one form or another of women's cancer has formulated the heart of prayer and action to bring a cure to these diseases, that I have carried with me for much of my life.

I would be honored if you would consider forwarding this blog onto your family and friends, email contacts and acquaintances.
If you would like to donate you can find my link on the EIF Revlon Run/Walk for the Cure site. The direct link to my page is included in this blog.

Thank you for your consideration.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Quiet time Words: By Carla-Rae "His Beauty Our Air"

Refresh your soul and allow the Beauty of God's creation to nurture, and be the oxygen/air, to the soul, spirit, body. Bask in the sunlight. Absorb the sounds of nature. Smell it's fragrance. Rejoice in the peace experienced there.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

QUIET TIME WORDS: BY Carla-Rae "His Light"

"As we spend time in the quiet with our Creator God, the "Light of His Presence" becomes more evident in our lives. How wonderful to know that His Light shines through weak vessels such as we are. It is not about who we are, but about who HE is."


Thursday, January 13, 2011


"When we WAIT in the presence of the Lord God Creator, there comes a peace and a knowing in our souls that everything we are waiting for will come into place at it's appropriate time. WAITING, without patience, outside His presence causes frustration and angst. Whether we believe it or not, taking a few minutes out of our busy schedules to WAIT in His presence will, actually, bring order to our day; and the answers will come, as we shed the excess weight from our thoughts. How peaceful is that? Well, try it and find out."


Sunday, January 9, 2011


'Seriously, how many times have we been given a glimpse of the direction (or goal) we should go in with regard to a certain matter; then we rush in that direction only to be disappointed that things didn't happen as "quickly" as we thought they should? Before we throw in the towel or give up, stop and thank Creator for guiding us and then relax in the sovereignty of His guidance. He shows us the direction; we start off in the direction, and move according to HIS continual guidance. There is peace in taking the time that is needed to reach the goal. There is peace in resting and trusting Him to guide us each step of the way. One more thing, there may be obstacles we face along the way to reaching the goal, but that doesn't mean we are not in HIS will. All good things come with challenges. It just the way it is. '


Friday, January 7, 2011

"QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "Never Alone"

Even when we feel as though we are alone, we are never alone. The Spirit of Creator God is ever with us there to listen, answer our heart's questions, comfort, encourage, support, and uplift. The reason we feel alone is that we forget to speak to HIM and listen to HIS gentle responses. STOP. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Close your eyes and experience HIS presence. He's with us. He really is.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011


You may have heard, in essence,  the saying: "You cannot expect different results if you keep doing the same things over and over again." Ideally, to obtain NEW and different results to life's challenges, we must apply NEW and different patterns and processes to make the changes. With that in mind, as we focus on this NEW YEAR and NEW DECADE of 2011, we should leave the old ways of doing things at the door, especially, if those ways did not achieve the positive end results we were hoping for.

Good and dear friends have approached me, in the last four days of this NEW YEAR, carrying the same issues that plagued them in 2010. We all need the wake up call; We all need to be reminded; FEAR and WORRY cannot occupy the same space as TRUST. Therefore, if FEAR and WORRY have been trumping TRUST and BELIEF in what is positive and good, then something has to go in order for the NEW to have a chance to become reality. WE can be supportive of one another as we make the changes to the NEW, but we cannot support doing the same old things expecting to achieve different results. Just saying.


Monday, January 3, 2011


ASK, and it shall be given to you. We forget to ask, we forget to speak and the things we want go un-created. GOD spoke, and what He spoke came into existence. He has given us the ability to create or destroy, through the power of our tongue. We must ask, and speak those things that will bring honor and glory to our Creator and prove His power to all.
