You may have heard, in essence, the saying: "You cannot expect different results if you keep doing the same things over and over again." Ideally, to obtain NEW and different results to life's challenges, we must apply NEW and different patterns and processes to make the changes. With that in mind, as we focus on this NEW YEAR and NEW DECADE of 2011, we should leave the old ways of doing things at the door, especially, if those ways did not achieve the positive end results we were hoping for.
Good and dear friends have approached me, in the last four days of this NEW YEAR, carrying the same issues that plagued them in 2010. We all need the wake up call; We all need to be reminded; FEAR and WORRY cannot occupy the same space as TRUST. Therefore, if FEAR and WORRY have been trumping TRUST and BELIEF in what is positive and good, then something has to go in order for the NEW to have a chance to become reality. WE can be supportive of one another as we make the changes to the NEW, but we cannot support doing the same old things expecting to achieve different results. Just saying.