Tuesday, March 18, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-18-14


'In life, in the best relationships, with family, with friends, with life mates, reciprocal vulnerability, both parties being open to give and give back from each person in the relationship, is a powerful connection. Strength comes from being willing to be OPEN/VULNERABLE to the possibilities the relationship carries. There is no pretense, there is no facade, nothing to fear. Openness and trust walk hand in hand, it is given freely between those within the relationship.

The word vulnerability has been given a bad reputation. 'If you are vulnerable you are weak. You are waiting to get hurt.' When in reality the strength that comes from being OPEN, VULNERABLE, TRUSTING, and TRANSPARENT is more freeing which in turn gives amazing strength. Oh and the best part, FEAR has no place in the relationship of people who operate in RECIPROCAL VULNERABILITY.

It is a learning process, for sure, there is indeed, a shaking off of old mind sets, but the benefits are becoming abundantly evident. We can do this, and come out SHINING. Shine on, reciprocal people. Shine On."

Peace and blessings for a wide OPEN day,

Monday, March 17, 2014

~Honor the Gift~ A Poem By Carla-Rae

BY Carla-Rae
The day's not done
Before Its Begun,
Its full of Possibility
Walk, don't Run,
thats not fun
Gotta be Flyin' free.
The Spirit is Callin'
I am not fallin'
for clouds hoverin' over me.
My gift is light.
My gift is Shine.
Honoring the gift thats me.
Shine on, gifted people, Shine on!
Peace and blessing for a gifted day,

Friday, March 14, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-14-14 ~ Opportunity ~

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-14-14
'OPPORTUNITY' ( a good chance for advancement or progress)
"The gifts and talents that are intrinsically our own, in character and ability, are best manifested by how we apply them in and through our daily lives. Each day there is opportunity presented to sharpen our gifts, talents, and our character. Many times those opportunities may not look like opportunities at all. In fact they may appear to be hinderances to our progress. (Example: That traffic jam that is causing frustration just might be the opportunity presented to help us learn to chill or perhaps teach us to just BE in the moment we are in and understand life is about where we ARE not always where we are GOING.Thus presenting an opportunity to use our gift of JOY.)
Years ago this statement dropped into my heart during a Quiet Time and it was brought back to me just recently.
~ 'Do not bypass the BEST for what looks GOOD, Because what looks GOOD is not always the BEST ,and the BEST does not always look GOOD.' ~ (Carla-Rae)
Today, I offer that we take the OPPORTUNITIES, in whatever form they present themselves, to allow our gifts to be sharpened and polished to a sparkly SHINE. SHINE ON, opportune ones, SHINE ON!
Peace and blessings in all your opportunities,

Thursday, March 13, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-13-14

~ TRANSPARENT ~ (Honest and open, not secretive, free from pretense)

" 'You are consistently TRANSPARENT. You wear your heart on your sleeve. Your face tells exactly what you are feeling at any given moment. You would be a lousy poker player.' I had to chuckle as a long time friend shared this observation of me in a recent conversation we had.
I took no offense by it as I know this to be something I have been told many times throughout my life. I am expressive and I am transparent. Each day I become more so. There is a sense of thankfulness knowing that I am safe in who I am. Without question, the motives behind the PEACE, LOVE, JOY and SHINE I transmit, are, in fact, the same as the virtues themselves.

The backstory of my life has stripped away the pretense and propelled me into this place clarity, removing anything that is no longer useful for me in establishing a pure heart. I am allowing the process to have free and full rein so that my SHINE will illuminate even brighter, day by day.

I invite each of you to join me. SHINE ON, transparent people, SHINE ON!

Peace and blessings for a clear day,

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-12-14 ~ BALANCE ~

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-12-14

~ BALANCE ~ (a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions)

"Knowing what one can handle, at any given moment, is a sure road to balance. It is my heart to embrace and exemplify the essence of balance. I choose to use my strength to persevere in the presence of all issues and conflicts and keep my emotions stable so I can hear all sides. Therefore, because I am responsible for my own decisions and how I choose to face conflicting issues, I only take on that which I VALUE and can handle, at any given time. This is the link between wisdom and experience. I am a better ME because of it, as such I can be a better ME for those I encounter each day.

That said, I will continue to exhibit the characteristics and virtues of PEACE, LOVE, JOY, and SHINE to help guide anyone and everyone to their sanctuary of peace. However, I will not engage in conversations and issues that ALLOW negative DRAMA to monopolize my time with toxic energy. Leave the DRAMA on the stage.
I am grateful for each and every person I have been privileged to meet, befriend and embrace into my life. Thank you for your reciprocal SHINE. Shine on, dear people, Shine on."

Peace and blessings for abundant balance,

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-11-14


" As I was in my Quiet time this morning I thought about something an acquaintance told me in a phone conversation yesterday. 'Carla-Rae while your character of openness and vulnerability are strikingly remarkable, YOU are not a doormat or a victim,'
I realize as I have experienced moments of weakness, and suffering throughout my life, none of these moments were lost and much was, in fact, gained through them.

I do not allow myself to rely on self pity as an excuse to do nothing. EVERY experience I have and have had, is meaningful and transforming.
Each experience has caused the character of resilience to become my close companion giving me the motivation and strength to SHINE. EVERYTHING has been for GOOD. Therefore, it is ALL GODD.

SHINE ON, remarkable, resilient people, SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings for a remarkable day,

Saturday, March 8, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-8-14


"While it is my desire to paint broad brush strokes of PEACE, LOVE, JOY, AND GRATITUDE on the canvas of my life, I also realize that NOT EVERYONE adheres to my PASSION AND SHINE. Therefore, it has never been my desire to force anyone to be or feel anything they do not. Because of that, I offer a heart of MUTUAL RESPECT, for you to conduct your life and actions in the manner that is pleasing to YOU while I DO the same.

I merely OFFER to you my perspective in the colors and hues that are intrinsically me. I value and respect you just the way you are. Thus, MUTUAL RESPECT. SHINE ON, in your way, and I will SHINE ON, in mine."

Peace and blessings,

Friday, March 7, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-7-14 ~ The Beginning Starts NOW ~

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-7-14


"I realize that my character of PEACE, LOVE, JOY and HAPPINESS is not just for me. While it is my responsibility to create and be these virtues, I must also be generous with them. They are the SHINE that I am required to offer, freely and generously, so that others can feel the warmth of my light on their skin and in their hearts. The Beginning Starts Now, and every day is a new now to start giving freely of the gift that I am.

By being generous with my character and virtue, I put myself in an alignment to consider others needs as well as my own. There in, I recreate the LIFE condition and quality I desire to have surround me. My own 'divine splendor' and even my 'earthy sensuality' give me the validation to bring nurture and vibrant LIFE into my world.

I am a gift of perennial, fertile thanksgiving and gratefulness and THAT, my dear people, is why I SHINE. Shine on, NOW people, SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings,

Thursday, March 6, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 3-6-14

~ SURVIVOR ~ (A person who copes well with difficulties in life.)

First, I must say, while I have been learning what a SURVIVOR is, especially over the last few years, I may have had my 'MOMENTS' of NOT COPING WELL. Note the word MOMENTS. Those MOMENTS could have kept me down for the count, however the bout is not over until I say it is. After all LIFE is NOT a FIGHT. Each day and 'MOMENT' is a decision, a concluding that I will set the tone by my attitude, faith, virtue and SHINE. Will I concede, or will I walk in a higher, superior place of victory and JOY in the MOMENTS?
Wise as serpents, gentle as doves. With wisdom of heart and tenderness of spirit, I can outwit and outlast, SURVIVE, the 'MOMENTS.'

LIFE is NOT a FIGHT it is, after all, a series of 'MOMENTS.' Lets set the tone for the MOMENTS and we will SURVIVE them all and come forth SHINING! SHINE ON, you wonderful survivors, SHINE ON!'

Peace for an amazing day,

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD, by Carla-Rae 3-4-14 ~ADVOCATE~

QUIET TIME WORD Vy Carla-Rae 3-4-14


"Today, ADVOCATE dropped very clearly and deliberately into my Spirit during my Quiet Time. As I pondered the meaning of ADVOCATE, (a person who supports a cause, policy or group.) I began to smile, then fully chuckle, when I thought about what my MAIN ADVOCACY is. I realize I AM an ADVOCATE of all things PEACE, LOVE, JOY AND HAPPINESS. 

While I am not naive to think that EVERYONE will 'warm up' to or adhere to my advocacy cause, alas, I will continue to plead and defend my case that these afore mentioned virtues work together to bring harmony far better that anger, skepticism,and hatred.

Therefore, I advocate, with passion I might add, the rights of ALL PEACEFUL, LOVING, JOYFUL, HAPPY people EVERYWHERE, to SHINE ON! Yupper, SHINE ON, because YOU KNOW I will. "

Peace and Keep Shining,