Sunday, April 27, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 4-27-14

QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae 4-27-14
"I have people ask me, so often, 'what is God/Creator saying to you?' On the one hand I am honored that folks recognize that I spend time meditating and focusing on my Creator and I truly listen for the VOICE of HIM I acknowledge as God. Even in that honor is part of the answer; ~ I spend time meditating.~
That said, it is not only in QUIET TIMES that I hear the VOICE of my Creator God. I hear Him in His Creation. I see Him and hear Him in nature, when I am rising in the morning, and when I am laying myself down at night, and frequently through out my day. I hear Him through the voices of my friends who take time to speak to me. (Just this past Friday evening while on evening my walk, a very a special friend and I had a simple 'catch up' conversation, yet in the voice of my friend, I heard gems of wisdom that I took straight from the Voice of GOD.)
God will use the vessels He created to speak His messages to us. I have heard Him speak to me from complete strangers and even from a line of dialogue in a book or film. It is simply a matter of me tuning into the frequency that is His voice.
I truly believe that the ONE I call God whose spirit resides in Me speaks to me on a regular basis. I only have to LISTEN. I have only to ALLOW myself to HEAR and then apply what I hear to my life and share the parts, I feel led to, with others.
Some of the amazing things I hear from my Creator is just for me. I ponder them and hold them close to my heart. These treasures are just mine. By the way, I see Creator GOD, Too. When I look at creation, that includes seeing HIM in others. Yes, there is evidence of Creator God everywhere.
Might I suggest to begin to hear from God in your QUIET TIME and then you will recognize His voice and evidence of His presence, without question beyond the QUIET. It isn't a religious thing. It is SPIRIT AND TRUTH.
SHINE ON , you wonderful Creations, you.
Peace and Blessings,

Special Note

** SPECIAL NOTE*** Many of my friends, fans and family, have asked to be able to see and hear me online more. Therefore, beginning Mid-May, you will be able to SEE, READ, and HEAR 'QUIET TIME WORDS by Carla-Rae', online. Further, I am going to be sharing some of my 'ALTAR-NATIVE music from the Heart of Carla-Rae' a rich sound of hand drums, rattles, flutes and lyrics by Carla-Rae and friends, AND 'SHINE ON and HAVE FUN with Carla-Rae', a rendering of some of my comedic and dramatic monologues...
I have been working on these for a while now. More to come, so keep your eyes and ears open. I am getting excited.
Keep Shining peeps.

Friday, April 18, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 4-18-14 Your WORTH, Your VALUE

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 4-18-14
~Your WORTH, your VALUE~
"In my QUIET TIME this morning I heard very clearly, 'Always be keenly aware of your worth, your value and then you will not succumb to the down lows when others who don't understand you may speak negatively about you and even spread gossip and rumors.' Think about it, no one can do exactly what we do or be who we are. We are Priceless, 
Yes, be keenly aware of YOUR WORTH. SHINE ON valuable people, SHINE ON."
Peace and blessing for a Fine Friday,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae 4-13-14 ~AND ONE ARE WE~ A poem by Carla-Rae

QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae 4-13-14

A poem by Carla-Rae

~I AM a delicacy on the banquet table of life.
Just of enough sweetness just enough spice.
I AM the fragrance on life's floral bouquet.
With just enough color to brighten your day.
I AM the whisper you hear in the wind,
Ever close as a loving friend.
I AM the cool water that quenches your thirst,
into the moisture your soul is immersed.
I AM the sunshine rising each day,
shining upon you as you pray.
I AM the Phoenix rising out of the dust,
Overshadowing you with passion and trust.
I AM the CREATION that CREATOR has planned,
to walk with you across this land.
I AM HIS image strong and free,
take my hand and walk with me.
I AM HIM and HE is ME, ALL is ONE
AND ONE are WE.~
 (5 photos)

Saturday, April 12, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD, By Carla-Rae 4-12-14
"When we send our energy out, it does have a way, through natural and spiritual law, of coming back to us. Since this is a proven point, we would be wise to offer our world and those we encounter in it, our highest, available, energy.
I am thinking LOVE, PEACE, FAITHFULNESS, JOY , GOODNESS, GENTLENESS, PATIENCE, SELF-CONTROL, KINDNESS... Yes, that does it. These are the luscious fruit waiting to be enjoyed from the tree of our lives. Offer these, give them out readily, then get the BUSHEL BASKETS of return ready, because this energizing fruit will come back in the measure we give it out. Oh yes, and SHINE! Shine on, for a fruitful day.Better still SHINE ON for a fruitful LIFE"
Peace and blessings for a great day,

Friday, April 11, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 4-11-14 ~GENEROSITY~ (the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish)

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 4-11-14
~GENEROSITY~ (the quality of being kind, understanding, and not selfish)
"There is a certain strength that inhabits the character of an individual who chooses to live a generous life. Kindness is perhaps the first by product that is evident through generosity, but the gift doesn't stop there. Generosity opens a channel of willingness to be understanding to the needs and concerns of others, while eliminating, through its actions, selfishness.
There is no fear in the character of a generous person because generosity is always open, while fear by its very nature, closes itself off so not to be exposed or vulnerable. A generous individual is extravagant with their openness. With no hidden agenda or motives, other than to see kindness lavished onto everyone they encounter so that the world they live in becomes a better place.
Oh that I will ever be a vessel of generosity to those I encounter in my life.
SHINE ON, generous people, SHINE IN."
Peace for a great weekend,

Thursday, April 10, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 4-10-2014


"This morning as I spent time in my QUIET, it occurred to me, in grand fashion, that by my acknowledging the wonder of who I am by the hand and word of my CREATOR God, I am, in fact, HONORING the ONE who Created me. Since, I am the offspring of my CREATOR, my character and countenance are in favor with HIM. I walk with integrity, truth, gratitude, honor, trust, faithfulness, LOVE and did I mention SHINE?
I am empowered by embracing and acknowledging the splendor with which I am created and in which I have become. My gift is to bring fertile and everlasting LIFE into the world by acknowledging that I AM, as my CREATOR IS. The CREATOR and the CREATION are ONE. This is not blasphemy, this is awakening to the reality of WHO I AM. I am the expressed IMAGE of my CREATOR GOD in the flesh on this earth. Holy Moly, how cool is that?
Think about it, so are YOU. SHINE ON, you wonderful creations, SHINE ON!"

Friday, April 4, 2014



"DO you BELIEVE that if you FIGHT AGAINST a thing, a situation, or circumstance, your fight mode it will cause that issue to cease?
Today, I was presented with and invited to an event that is coming up later this month. It is a conference to "FIGHT AGAINST" an issue/cause that is prevalent in our society today. Much like the WAR on DRUGS, Fighting against Cancer, the event is basically speaking and fighting AGAINST something that is negative and affects innocent people.

As I thought about it, something was triggered inside me. Not that the cause isn't important, but how we address the cause is what stuck out to me.
I began to think about how long we have been FIGHTING against DRUG use in our society, and how long we have been seeking a cure for cancer and FIGHTING against it. How long we have fought against prostitution and pornography and so on. I KNOW, I have lent my energy to many of these FIGHTS.

The thought occurred to me. IF FIGHTING were the answer all of these issues would already be resolved. I mean WOW we have been fighting these issues a LONG time. Clearly fighting isn't getting it... Whatever the masses focus their attention on keeps showing up. It is a powerful energy when folks all get together to FIGHT. It dredges up anger, frustration, rage, bitterness. That energy keeps the issues ever ALIVE to be fought

I am just putting a different thought process to the issue of FIGHTING. What if we all put our energy toward the opposite of FIGHTING and united in GRATITUDE, PEACE, LOVE and JOY? We might just see issues change for the better, cures be found and the end of the FIGHTING. Well, I may be crucified for saying that, but I'd be in good company. There have been many contemporaries imprisoned and even murdered to keep their mouths shut about LOVE, PEACE and JOY being the energy that would CHANGE our WORLD.

Thanks for allowing me to share. I think I will just keep shining and being grateful that there are answers to all of the issues we face and we do not have to FIGHT to get them."

Peace and blessings always

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Quiet time Word by Carla-Rae April 3, 2014 Knowing and Allowing

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae April 3, 2014

(It is a Visual and Feeling thing)

"Knowing what we DON'T WANT is actually a great place for allowing what we DO WANT, to launch. ~NOW~ SEE IT. Give place for what we desire into our visual like it is already here. FEEL it.
(For those who don't want to follow their gut, but have to have something WRITTEN to make sense of this concept, check out : Romans 4:17 "As it is written...And calls those things which BE NOT as though they were.' This is NOT a NEW AGED concept.
NOW start visualizing and giving place to the possibility of the IMPOSSIBLE and KNOW.
Shine on KNOWING, ALLOWING, people, SHINE ON."

Peace for a terrific day,