Monday, October 19, 2015

I AM NOT DIMINISHED ~ (I Am a BRIDGE) by Carla-Rae 2015c

By Carla-Rae
October 2015c
I am not diminished because YOU don't agree with me.
I am not here to be validated by you, you see.
I KNOW my calling, and my character, to such a degree,
That no opinion can stifle my SPIRIT, so alive and free.
I will not say that I do not, within me, feel
Your disregard for my life's purpose, so real.
To you my ways are not ideal,
though, my SHINE, my CHARACTER you cannot steal.
My eyes, my ears, my heart are open,
To see and hear the words you've spoken.
Yet you do not see the hearts you've broken,
by the words and stance you have taken.
No, I am not Diminished because YOU don't agree with me.
I stand as a symbol for ALL to see,
There are a PEOPLE who will be set free,
Because of the BRIDGE I have chosen to BE.
Bridge (Campbell's Covered Bridge Upstate NY)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

QUIET TIME By Carla-Rae October 1, 2015

a real life encounter by Carla Rae

Before I even had gotten my ~ blissful ~ morning coffee, the question had been posed to me, by an individual who seems annoyed by my SHINE, 'DO you really think you are going to be successful in life, in the things that really matter, by being so simple and idealistic?' The question followed by a bellowed 'WAKE UP, the world is not IDEAL. Take off those damn rose colored glasses'.

I am thinking this person did not REALLY want to hear my answer as he/she stormed off while I stood there with that silly grin, the one those who know me well, have seen more times than they can count.
'Oh well', I thought, 'another who got pissed off at me for being SHINY.'

Yet I had that question rolling around in me so I have decided to address it.
My first and simple response is 'YES.'
Further, not only do I believe I can succeed in life with the attitude that desires to see the BEST in everything, I have already succeeded in things a weaker resolve would never have even embarked upon. I SHINE because I choose to. I SHINE when I am not even thinking about SHINING.
SHINE as I see it is a blending of all the virtues which are encompassed in LOVE.

The way I see it, through my LOVELY ROSE COLORED glasses, the world, and its inhabitants, are screaming in the faces of the very ones who are AWAKE or in the process of AWAKENING, just like my SHINY self, already knowing that their answer is to become BRIGHT and SHINY themselves.

The only way to succeed is to become pure in heart. WAKE UP to the fact that nothing will change in our WORLD, if we don't make changes in ourselves.
It is not ROCKET SCIENCE, it is all a matter of the HEART.
We can continue by screaming in the faces of those who are changing and AWAKENING, or we can change and awaken ourselves. Thereby releasing our SHINE to see our WORLD in a whole new light. Further because this heart light shine is my true calling I am seeing more and more of what the world calls, success, manifest itself in my life daily...

That is my definition of SUCCESS.
As for me, I am gonna put on my rosey glasses and SHINE ON!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

~NOTHING TO BRING, BUT ME~ A Poem by Carla-Rae

A poem by Carla-Rae
I have nothing to bring, but me.
No great skill, or craft so worldly,
Nor riches, wealth or finery,
The heart of a child is my gift, you see.
I have nothing to bring, but me.
My head raised up, so you can see,
The weight of the world is not on me.
No, I walk with Joy and Truth, and Liberty
I have nothing to bring, but me.
A simple girl, soft, shiny, and free.
Wide open, no shadows, complete transparency;
All my colors, brightly vivid, so the world can see.
I have nothing to bring, but me.
Unique in the facets that make me be,
Everything my dreams, intended you, see,
No longer ashamed, I am free,
When I have nothing to bring, but me.

Friday, May 8, 2015


By Carla-Rae

'Today, as I was in my QUIET TIME, an awareness of another facet of who I am presented itself. There is a force, an essence within me that you have heard me refer to as SHINE. It is a Tender-Strength and Nature that I have come to embrace in its electric, primal form, and in its subtly tamed, refined interior.

It is a soul-force that I recognize as a BEACON of perception/knowing and persuasion that can calm raging, confused souls, while inciting awareness of the SHINE that resides within each of us.

If I can be an example of anything to the world around me, is that my LIFE-SHINE will cause others to discover their own SHINE.'

KEEP SHINING Dear friends.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Special Announcement...

Has reached #7 Locally, 138 Nationally, and 328 World on the
REVERB NATION SONG CHARTS This is so exciting...
PLEASE share the song and link far and wide so people can catch the HEART BEAT...
Thank YOU for your love and support.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A QUIET TIME EXPERIENCE by Carla-Rae April 28, 2015

(Is the HEART of NOBLE Character)
By Carla-Rae
In my QUIET TIME this morning I traveled, in the SPIRIT, to a place of reunion with every personality or character trait I have ever experienced first hand, and I connected with every person I have every interacted with throughout my life. (Though brief, trust me it was intense, informative and comforting all at the same time.)
During this brief encounter with MYSELF and a lifetime of others, I felt MYSELF centering. I felt my ~inner being~ unshackled from conflicts and judgments I had placed on myself. I saw, as it were, a corridor being cleared and talents I had only dreamed about coming out of darkness into the pure light flooding the corridor of clearing. I became aware of the trust I have for the clear process of opening myself to ALL POSSIBILITIES and with that, EVERYTHING that flooded forth through me and from me was clearly the best and highest quality of manifestation MY HEART and PRESENCE is bringing forth. 
AN experience of EFFORTLESS returning to my center of reality and bringing forth every good, and wonderful thing that has transpired through me and my lifetime. EVERY perceived error or judgment placed on me by myself, or even by the perception of others, vanished.
I SAW myself as I AM, NOBLE in CHARACTER AND HEART, with LOVE as my GARMENT, and LIGHT as my GIFT, with JOY the flavor of my existence.
As my travel brought me back to this physical place, The GRACE of this experience is forever BRANDED in my HEART to be as a beacon that will help lead my way.
SHINE ON, dear friends.
Peace to you, one and ALL,

QUIET TIME WORD, By Carla-Rae April 28, 2015

~LOVE allows FEAR to be what it is, but LOVE does not align itself with anything except itself. BE LOVE, it feels sooooo GOOD.~
Oh and when FEAR aligns itself with LOVE, GUESS WHAT? It isn't AFRAID anymore... 

How wonderful is that?~


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

An Affirmation February 10, 2015
~I find strength in adversity and stand in liberty,
even when surrounded by 
the silent cold shoulders who see, not, my value.

I face all scrutiny for the sake of growth and improvement, 
and the knowledge that I am who I am with access to the Master’s Chamber; my Heart.
I stand in Faith, that no matter how it looks, or who resists me,
the LOVE that I Am, will prevail…
For that LOVE is my eternal SHINE~

Thursday, January 15, 2015

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae ~Simply Show Up~

~Simply Show Up~
Yesterday, I got to see a dear friend I had met when doing a PSA a few years ago.
On that day, this sweet lady greeted me and my film crew on location to be our location guide and what a joyous soul she is.
So, yesterday, meeting her for lunch, it was much the same, only different. We made a date to meet together with a mutual friend. The three of us had no agenda, just a desire to reinforce our connection. Our time together was clearly orchestrated by Divine guidance and all we had to do was ~simply show up~ and be who we are. As we began to share things that were taking place in our lives, since our last times together, nothing was forced and there was no pretense. We simply saw how much of what each of us had been experiencing was exactly what the other needed to hear, and how each shared experience was timely in its presentation.
We giggled, with excitement, laughed and cried, joyful tears, as our spirits reenforced our connection. The acknowledgement of each other in our own simplicity was indeed, magical.
Then, as we gathered our belongings to leave the lunch spot, we knew that in our ability to 'simply show up' with no agenda, and to express the LOVE that we naturally are, we were exactly where we were supposed to be and the simple essence of who we are, was all that was needed.
In a time when we feel compelled that we must DO SOMETHING in order to make things happen or to reconnect, my I suggest that we "SIMPLY SHOW UP." Our natural essence combined with Divine nature is all that is needed to reinforce our connection to LIFE.
~Shine On in your Simple Essence~

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year by Carla-Rae

By Carla-Rae

As we stand poised between the years,
With one gone, the other appears.
Like the view from the mountain top.
The new year is filled with promise non - stop

We peer as far as our eyes can see,
as if we can see eternity. 
In that moment we realize
eternity in our hearts, not our eyes.

Our heart sees far beyond what the horizon holds,
Making us strong, humble, and sensibly bold.
We know what comes, that we cannot see,
Carries, ultimately, with it, life certainty.

So, in the present we stand again,
Knowing that NOW is our friend.
With all the NOWS collected over time,
Eternity is, eternally yours, and eternally mine.

Standing poised between the Years
carrying its  purpose, to end all fear.
One year gone, the other appears.
To us all, I wish ~Happy New Year~

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