Wednesday, April 20, 2011

'QUIET TIME WORDS: By Carla-Rae "Performance Anxiety"

Did you know that Creator God's "love" flows out from eternity without conditions or limits? Yes, unconditionally.  Did you also know, that once we have acknowledged and accepted HIM into our lives, there is nothing we can do to change HIS unconditional love toward us? And further more our performance, no matter how wonderful, does not make HIM love us more or less. God's "love" and our performance are completely different issues. What a relief!
It is not about "US" and what we "DO". It is about an eternal God who loves us with an everlasting love. Our accomplishments have no effect on God's love for us. Therefore,  we can leave our anxiety at the door, and receive HIS peace and love without fail.



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Quiet time Words" by Carla-Rae "Our Weakness; HIS Strength"

Our Creator God designed us to be filled with HIs heavenly, divine, contents. We are merely vessels made of earth and clay, with many weaknesses, yet our weaknesses give HIM room to shine brightly in and through us. We will never be perfect in this "earthen vessel". However, as we yield to HIS perfection, allowing it to operate through us, HIS spirit can reach others in ways we could never have dreamed possible. It is NOT about us. Actually, it is about us getting out of the way, (humbling ourselves, if you will), so HE can be seen in everything we do. In other words, HIS power shines brightly, while our weakness is overshadowed by HIM.
In humility and a contrite heart, God can do His mightiest work.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


THE GAUNTLET: So many times we want our lives to be free from distraction and clutter in order to spend time with our Creator. Today, Creator challenges us. He "throws down the Gauntlet." The challenge is to determine to spend time with HIM knowing that our lives are filled with every manner of distraction and clutter. In the coming away, with Him, in the midst of all the distraction, HE helps us to purpose our day and our lives with HIS presence and PEACE. We will never be free, entirely, in this world, of outward distraction and interruption. However, if we determine to pick up HIS challenge, HE will guide our paths to peace and harmony. Let us remind ourselves of this concept, daily. GOD, first; and life's clutter will not seem so overwhelming.
