Wednesday, December 10, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD ,,, December, Dear, December ... A Poem By Carla-Rae

By Carla-Rae

December, dear, December, 
Brings happiness to remember.

The crispness of fall 
Turns to winter’s brisk call 
The snow starts falling 
While caroler’s are calling.

Fireplaces crackle with a warm, winter, blaze, 
Candles glimmer with shimmering rays. 
Cider simmers in the kettle so sweet, 
Taste buds await the fine, tasty treat.

In from the cold march family, and friends, 
Joyful fellowship, and laughter, hours on end. 
The pillows and bed rolls get thrown on the floor, 
There is too, much snow, for us to head out the door.

As the month moves forward, and days grow shorter, 
The holidays are upon us, and festivities in order. 
In come the trees, the lights, decorations, and glitter, 
We almost forget we are in the middle of winter.

Somehow the cold doesn’t matter so much, 
Oh, the laughter from children, our hearts do touch. 
We listen and see, taste, touch, and feel, 
The Magic of December, a Magic so real.

I offer to you, in December, this thought, 
A message so powerful, it cannot be bought. 
This month brings a season more real than most, 
A season of PEACE, JOY, AND LOVE December does host.

Carry it from here throughout the year, 
This message so strong it ends all fear.
LOVE is the reason December thrives. 
LOVE is the real Magic that keeps us alive.

Indeed, December, Dear, December 
Brings happiness to remember.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Native Voices at the Autry 4th Annual Short Play Fesrtival

Come see the amazing short plays being offered at this Short Play Festival on Sunday November 9th, 2014 at 1:30 PM... Look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, October 31, 2014

~IT IS NOVEMBER~ A Poem written in the QUIET TIME by Carla-Rae

                                               ‘IT IS NOVEMBER’ ~
                                             A POEM By Carla-Rae

November prepares for winter’s arrival,
With all the provision for its survival.

Chimney smoke in the air hangs thick.
Wood Gatherer’s pace become hurried and quick.

The chill in the air in the days of November
Pronounce the weather to come in the halls of December.

Preparation is made, food and fuel are in store,
For festivities to come, through the winter and more.

Wait, may we not get ahead of ourselves at this moment.
Instead, may we embrace all of November’s enjoyment?

Soon enough, we’ll make merry at December’s brisk call.
For now, it is November, let us be thankful after all.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Listen to your KNOW...It is never too, late...

Listen to your KNOW...It is never too, late...

By Carla-Rae
A ~Linked In~ pulse article
I am Carla-Rae. In the professional world I am a performing artist including, but not limited to actor, director, producer, story teller, writer, singer, dancer, motivational speaker...yes a passionate performing artist.
I have worked on both amateur and professional levels on stage, tv, film, and now, on the web. It is a gift, a drive, and a passion to share living art through story telling with the masses. It has been something I have known, since childhood, I wanted and needed to do.
While I did do some of the things required to move ahead in this industry, like study and training I made the mistake of listening to well meaning family and friends who said, "That is not a steady, stable career. You need to do something with yourself that matters and brings in a steady income. Get a real job." These statements made me question my own inner KNOW. The thing that has been guiding me for my whole life.
I learned to quiet my KNOW by getting 'real jobs.' I cannot even count how many administrative, secretarial, house hold management, property management, and care taking positions and licenses for various 'real jobs' I have held in my lifetime. How great I am at doing all those skilled jobs! Yet, I really feel my SHINE when I am using my skills in the performing arts.
In the midst of the 'real jobs' I got the BEST lifetime job of being a mom to two amazing sons. I home educated them and they were my ever present cheering section during that time.
It took a lot of performing art to manage that. Sometimes I failed miserably, but always saw the bright side through their eyes. It wasn't long before they KNEW that performing arts was my place and they encouraged me to follow my KNOW. Just as I had always encouraged them to.

So, some where around 2003-2004, spurred on by the encouragement of my sons, and their father, I decided, to give my KNOW a shot. Even while homeschooling my sons, I did local and regional theater and commercials, but never anything that took me away from home for long. I wanted to be with my sons, after all. Yet, now here I was a 40+ year old mom stepping into one of the most scrutinizing, critical, industries, (especially for women ~ that is another post) in which, if one can get past the surface, there are deep rewards of storytelling passion that only a performing artist can really understand.

When one looks at my body of work on IMDB there are not a lot of roles listed there for two reasons. One, because I have only really just begun and two, because the roles I have been privileged to do are pieces I am honored to have had part in. Every story, my role was a character with strength, integrity and honor. One for which I won a best supporting actress award, not too shabby for a late bloomer. Not listed on IMDB are all the roles I have had privilege to portray on stage. One, in which, I realized a bucket list dream of being in a leading role in a world premiere play. I got to do just that when i played the role of Majel in Diane Glancy's play "The Bird House" which premiered at Native Voices at the Autry in Los Angeles, in the spring of 2013.

All that to say, BE ENCOURAGED, it is never too late, to LISTEN to your KNOW and follow your gut, heart, dream, goal... You may just find out, what your KNOW is telling you, IS your REAL JOB.

Keep shining in all you do, dear Linked In peeps,

(Me as Majel with (Ellen Dostal as Clovis),in the World Premiere of ~THE BIRD HOUSE by Diane Glancy ~ at Native Voices at the Autry, Los Angeles spring 2013.
(Photo by Craig Schwartz)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Autumn ~ A Poem written in the QUIET TIME by Carla-Rae

(All Discord Pales)
A Poem written in the QUIET TIME
by Carla-Rae
I love the crispness of the morning air.
With the mist still hovering everywhere.
I love the crunching of the leaves under my feet
With the birds singing their welcoming greet.
I make my way to the river’s edge,
Where I kneel to make my morning pledge.
I bow my head in thankfulness,
To Creator who lovingly made all of this.
Not long before more worshippers descend,
Along this meandering river bend.
They are ever so gentle, and timely, and sweet,
As they gather with me in solemn retreat.
Not a sound is made as we tarry there,
Our hearts full of LOVE, from everywhere.
Then one voice, then two, and three, and four,
The harmony sweet, the melody soars.
I open my eyes eager to see,
All the worshippers who have gathered with me.
From every corner, and crevice of this woodland place,
Have come every furry, and feathered, whiskered, and scaly face.
Seated on the ground, on a rock or a perch
In unity we worship, in natures church.
Whether, flesh, or fur, or feathers or scales,
In the LIGHT of our LOVE all discord pales.
Here in the Autumn mist, before comes winter snow,
Each of us wants the other to know,
How grateful we are for this land we’ve been given,
Creator’s Love, and the friends sent from heaven.
As I smile in the splendor of this retreat,
The question arises, my thoughts do greet
If the animals can unite, Why can’t we?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

SHINE ON with Carla-Rae (Rejuvenate)

September 12, 2014
New ~SHINE ON~ With Carla-Rae (REJUVENATE) episode is here!
It is my hope that you will gain a fresh perspective of what REJUVENATION means and how it applies to all of us.
Thank you, once again, for your support in my SHINE ON~ with Carla-Rae efforts.

Monday, September 1, 2014


LOVE is EASE and LOVE is BLISS... LOVE does not FIGHT TO BE LOVE..It Already IS LOVE...

By Carla-Rae

LOVE...There is a love that the world calls love that takes in very sense oriented diversity, but it relies mostly on what it can  touch, taste, see, hear and smell... While that is a very viable aspect of LOVE,
LOVE, as I am learning, takes in a sense of all encompassing EASE....

LOVE does not require that a person change who they are, though in the growth process of EASE, one determines that any aspect that does not create an atmosphere and sense of EASE then that aspect perhaps, needs to be addressed, released, and altered in order for EASE to be established and maintained.

This is not idealism, this is BLISS and it can be achieved. I have been to a fleeting state of BLISS a couple of times in my lifetime...

I desire for BLISS to be my way of LIFE...THEREFORE, EASE must be my place of existence  within all areas of my life. ONLY then, will ALL areas of LOVE, including the sensual and the spiritual be in balance.

What causes the BLISS to be fleeting? When I focus on any negative statement, person, situation, idea, these remove me from the path that leads to BLISS. Therefore, I turn my focus away from that which causes pain, negativity and replace it with something that raises my center of EASE.

Even the wisest, (IMHO)  Jesus, has said,
…28"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

EASE...It is a good thing and it brings with it BLISS...

As for me, I will not fight for LOVE...LOVE is EASE and LOVE is BLISS...Love doesn't have to fight to be LOVE. It already IS LOVE.
You do not have to believe me. I am just stating a viewpoint...

"4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud 5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. 6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. 7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." ! Cor. 13
Follow your own path to the EASE of LOVE and I will follow mine. If by chance our paths touch, I will enjoy the EASE I Bring and perhaps you will, too.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Wake Up and FEEL By Carla-Rae

WAKE UP and FEEL By Carla-Rae
It is the MOST liberating place to be in LIFE...
FEEL because when you FEEL that is REAL...
ALLOW YOURSELF to FEEL everything....
It is THEN WE KNOW we are ALIVE...

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae ~We Are the Universe we CREATE~

By Carla-Rae

WE are the Universe we create.
...Through our words and actions
...Through our thoughts and desires
Whatever ENERGY we put out, colors that which we draw to ourselves.
What pen or palette of energy are we using to write or paint the stories of our lives?
May we choose to dip our pens and brushes into the colors that make
the JOY, the LOVE, the PEACE, the HAPPINESS...
For these are the colors of what is TRUTH

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



This post came across my desk the other day and I have been pondering it and chuckling to myself, because in, essence this describes who I am...
While my heart is open, and grateful for all that comes my way as I realize LIFE does not happen TO US, it happens  FOR us... I now know that all of these virtues are my strength and not my weakness. I also know that simply because I am open does not mean I will be a ~push over.~  So, don't push me.

The HIPPIE movement maintains it's power today because of the strengths of these virtues...

Guess I am a HIPPIE...A peace loving, tender heart, who loves everybody...
Who smells like her own brand of essential oils...
LOOK out...Here I COME SHINING in all my HIPPIE-NESS ...

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


~IN A WORLD where news media, corporate entities, government muscle flexing, and the general attitude of the masses, is focused on, anger, fear and fear causing issues, May I suggest that we QUIET OUR SOULS.
NO, Really QUIET OUR SOULS. Whatever that means to YOU do it.

Unplug, get QUIET in a place that brings you PEACE and listen to the Beating of your own heart. You will find some amazing stuff inside you.
When you come back to the WORLD, such as it is, YOU may just discover that your QUIET PLACE is what is REAL and all this noise and WORLDLY fodder is the ILLUSION.~ Just a thought.


Sunday, August 24, 2014


By Carla-Rae

~I stand tall in this, my vulnerability.
I am powerful, in weakness you see.
The LOVE, I AM, is on my sleeve.
Yes, it is true, yours to receive,
So, many pass by, blind, unaware,
Of the gift, the presence, standing there.
The key is in YOUR hand, to open the door,
to the the richest of Blessing, LOVE evermore.

Break down the walls, throw windows open wide,
To reveal what in YOU, truly resides.
LOVE is the answer to the PAIN that you FEEL,
NOW is the time for you to GET REAL.
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow's not here.
LOVE NOW and walk without fear.

Photo by David Sekiguchi

Thursday, August 21, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae (On Healing...)

(Prose By Carla-Rae)

~Today, I traveled to a place that I thought had long since been cleared.
The prison cell that my own heart and spirit had been locked in for years.
I had no intention of revisiting this place I thought I no longer feared.
After all the cell door was open wide,
what did I think I would find inside?
Yet even so, inside I went,
Something/someone in the corner was bowed and bent.

I felt drawn to the creature bent so low,
not sure any closer, did I want to go.
Though I felt compelled to move in closer,
to the shaking frame bowed in the dark, damp, corner.
As I crept in nearer beside the shivering, weeping one.
I knew I had no lofty, words of wisdom.
As I sat in silence, ever near,
This one's heartbeat became so clear.

I waited there a long, long time,
as her labored pain, was almost mine.
The time went on for what seemed like days,
until SHE looked up and I met her gaze.

We both drew a breath, as we did see
I was HER and SHE was ME.
Oh my Lord, in my haste to leave this prison,
I left her there with a pain not yet risen.
Alone there, she wept, sobbed, and cried
until I returned to be by her side.

For She is a gift so beautiful and rare,
Forgive me, myself, for leaving you there.

Have I told you how precious you are to me?
Let us walk together myself and me.

Allow, release, give up the pain,
that is no longer your life's stain.
Let's walk hand in hand, together again.
For you, myself, are my best friend.~

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae (August 20, 2014)


'Darkness and Despair tend to show up when we obsess over things we think we have no control over; like things that have happened in our past, or things we think might happen in our future.

LIGHT comes in the PRESENT.

When we acknowledge our past for what it was/is and know that it is, in fact, past - in the LIGHT of the PRESENT we see that the past only has the hold over us that we give it. Further, in the LIGHT of the PRESENT, we can see that our future can be molded into something amazing by the LIGHT and ENERGY WE cast over it from our PRESENT. We can indeed, choose to wash our future in the bright, shine of our PRESENT.

All in All, living in the PRESENT is an amazing GIFT brining with it lots of presents/presence.

May the gift of the PRESENT be the light we flood into our future.

Keep Shining~
Peace and blessings,
 (4 photos)

7 Ways to Trigger Heart fields...Mind unleashed

This is an amazing video that I offer to you for your spiritual growth and health.

Keep Shining,

Friday, July 11, 2014


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae July 11- 2014

'We are the universe/life/experience we create through our thoughts, words and expressions.
We color the painting/story/tapestry that we call our lives from a pallette of JOY, PASSION, LOVE, HAPPINESS and so much more.
It is our choice.
Color life with positive or negative. Either way you are the designer of your own desire. Choose wisely AND SHINE.'

PEACE For an amazing weekend,

Monday, June 23, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae June 23, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae June 23, 2014

(A Poem by Carla-Rae)

~If YOU want to live like HEAVEN and not HELL,
It is time to take a step outside YOUR shell.
All of life, and joy, and bliss, in LOVE abound.
YOUR choice to RISE or Stay below ground.

Just because folks DO what THEY DO,
Does not mean YOU should STOP being YOU.
YOU can remain angry and suspiciously alert,
Yet, truly, YOU are the only one YOU hurt.
While pushing away those who have beaten and abused YOU,
YOU close yourself off, from those who love,
and have never refused YOU.

I will not tell YOU what to do,
Though my example may guide YOU.
OPEN YOUR heart wide and full.
Let no cloud of doubt remain
or on YOUR life leave its stain.
The BRIEF pain YOU feel while getting there,
as YOU release life's pain, and despair,
Will pale in contrast to LOVE'S true BLISS,
While YOU declare 'I have waited my whole life for THIS.'

It is time for YOU and It is time for ME
I will hold your hand as we walk FREE,
Like HEAVEN, not HELL, finally, OPEN
OUT of the SHELL~

Peace and blessings for a great afternoon,

~Shine On~ With Carla-Rae -Ep 4- (The Dream Catcher)

Monday, June 16, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae June 16, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae June 16-2-14
(A Poem by Carla-Rae)
~I have always existed.
Without beginning and without end,
Time and Space I do transcend.
I am NOW, and I was THEN.
The Character of LOVE, JOY, and SHINE,
Offered to ALL, and always mine.
I cannot be any less that this,
For in this place I AM PURE BLISS.
In this place I am not ALONE,
Others have come to find their HOME.
So, here I AM and will always BE
I am YOU and YOU are ME.
Always together, this LOVE of MINE,
Walking as ONE, in all OUR SHINE.~