Sunday, November 3, 2013

QUIET TIME WORD, By Carla-Rae 11-03-13

~ HONOR, RESPECT, KINDNESS ~ (Love's Expression)

"HONOR: High respect and esteem, a privilege ~ RESPECT: A feeling of deep admiration for someone, ~ KINDNESS: A quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. In the American Indian culture across the nation showing honor, respect and kindness, to Creator God, the provision He has made for us, our Leaders and Elders, our youth who carry the traditions and culture into the future, are all part of who we are as a People. Today I would like to share a brief storytelling video that I have shared with children of all ages. This tradition of storytelling is another means of honoring. Please enjoy the story of the TALKING FEATHER, that I adapted for a children's audience, with the simple message of Honor, Respect and Kindness. So, simple even a child can understand it." SHINE ON dear people, SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings for a wonderful Day,

The Talking Feather by Carla-Rae

Friday, November 1, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 11-1-13

~ "AWAKEN" ~1.rouse from sleep,~ stop sleeping ~ make aware for the first time:

"When we wake up from sleeping there is a process that takes place in the body. We become acclimated with our surroundings, remembering where we are. Our bodies start to slowly go into motion, we must eliminate the fluid build up from our sleep fast, and then refresh and strengthen by intake of food. We remember who we are.These are just the basics, we know there are many other things our bodies and minds process and ALLOW as we are awakened. ~
That said, when we are AWAKENING to new things SPIRITUALLY, there is a like process that takes place. Just as we prefer to EASE our bodies into its AWAKENED state each day, it is wise to give ourselves EASE as we are growing into SPIRITUAL AWAKENING. Let us consider that Spiritual waking process can be exhilarating if we ALLOW ourselves EASE to grow in our awareness. AWAKEN to all the possibilities. AWAKEN and remember WHO you have ALWAYS been. SHINE ON dear people SHINE ON!

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-29-13


"The words of a very dear person in my life have been resonating in my spirit for almost a day now. He said, 'I don't have to concern or worry myself with wondering what I should be doing, because whatever IT IS, IT WILL FIND ME.' Instantly I felt a freedom and liberty in my heart realizing, that while I have goals and dreams for my life, there is no need for me to fret and worry about how they will come about. I simply need to take each step every day, go about my life, being all I AM in every PRESENT MOMENT and ALLOW the people, the opportunities, the BLESSINGS to FIND ME. Besides, ALLOWING IT TO FIND ME, leaves a whole lot more time for me to pour out the LOVE that I AM to all I encounter.
So, too, with you my friends. Simply AMAZING. SHINE ON dear people, SHINE ON."

Peace and Blessings for a Wonderful Day,

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Place of Serenity

QUIET TIME WORDS by Carla-Rae 10-28-13

~ A Place Of Serenity ~

"In the early morning hour, before the light of the day crept into my room, the sense of calm and tranquility that made itself markedly known, brought a smile to my still sleepy face. I began to think about this "PLACE of SERENITY" that has taken up residence in my heart. I realized that this PEACE that attends to my ways of living is just that, a way of living. BEING LOVE is who I AM, therefore, PEACE, calm, tranquility, are a by product of Being and expression of LOVE to all, and a PLACE of SERENITY has made its home in my heart. I am grateful, honored and humbled.
May I offer to you, acknowledge the LOVE that you are and find this place of serenity already resides in you as well. SHINE ON dear people, SHINE ON."

Peace and Blessings for a Wonderful day,

Friday, October 25, 2013

Operating as LOVE

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-25-13

~"WHY do you desire and choose to operate in LOVE, Carla-Rae?" As I pondered this question that dropped into my heart early this morning I realized I did not have a singular answer.
~LOVE encompasses WHO I AM, so much so, that I really never thought much about the fact that it is indeed, a choice. So, I began to think about the not so 'Lovely' ways I have operated in my lifetime in times past. Well, in short order it became crystal clear that operating in the character and essence of LOVE truly has amazing benefits. The choice made to operate in LOVE simply is remarkable. LOVE DOESN'T NEED A REASON. If a reason is imposed on LOVE, in order to LOVE, then it is not LOVE at all. At best it becomes a conditional form of expression.
~The LOVE I chose to operate in and offer as an expression of WHO I AM, is not based on getting anything in return. The beauty of choosing to BE the LOVE that I have been created to BE, is that it is a free GiFT. A GIFT that I choose to offer without regard or restriction. It flows 'freely' from me as an open tributary. It is perfectly OKAY if you chose to not receive the LOVE that I AM, that is your choice, however, your choice will not hinder my choice of operating and expressing the LOVE that I AM. That is the beauty of choice.

~Simply put, I have found that operating in the reality of WHO I AM, which is LOVE, helps me center and enter my heart where is all DWELLS and proceeds from. I AM LOVE. LOVE is my identity. So, In answer to the question "WHY do you desire and choose to operate in LOVE, Carla-Rae?" I can only operate as who I AM.
~ Finally,YOU ARE LOVE, TOO. You and I have been created in the Image of our Creator/GOD, who IS LOVE. It is now our choice to decide if we are going to operate in WHO WE ARE." SHINE ON Dear people, SHINE ON!

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-23-13


"Remarkable: worthy of attention; striking. As of late, I am finding that the most REMARKABLE things in my life are the ones that, in times past, I did not take the time to notice. Simple things like a smile from a stranger, laughter of children at play, the sound of rain on the roof, the warmth of the sun on my face, a familiar voice of a dear friend, and the words 'Hey Mom, You got a minute? I need to talk with you about something.' All of these simple things are in and of themselves 'remarkable' and worthy of our full attention.

Today I offer to you liberty to stop and absorb the simply remarkable moments in your day. Shine on, dear friends, Shine on."

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Phoenix, Rise Up

QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae 10-22-13


"This morning in my QUIET TIME, I heard within my spirit, 'Carla-Rae, study the Phoenix, You will find many answers to the questions you are asking about yourself.'
You all are getting to know me pretty well, so you may have already surmised that I began a study of the PHOENIX! So you may hear much about this over the next few days or you may just get the pared down version today and I keep the rest for myself. We shall see.

Upon my first search this phrase jumped out at me.

~Associated with the sun/(Son), a phoenix obtains new life by arising from the ashes of its predecessor.~ Parenthesis mine...

~To me, that statement in itself is an understatement when I relate it to the changes, metamorphosis, awakening and awareness I have been going through for the last several months. I am rising from the 'ashes of my predecessor' which just happens to be my 'old/former way' of approaching life. My association with the Spirit of the Divine, Heavenly, nature of GOD has allowed me to rise/ascend beyond pettiness, beyond fear, and beyond restrictive ties that try to hold me in the OLD nature.
~My whole nature is more in tune with the Heartbeat of my CREATOR and therefore more in tune with CREATION. That includes the people directly around me and the ones I encounter as I walk through out my day. It includes how I perceive people, things, nature, various topics that present themselves to me. I am becoming more sensitive to the needs and plight of people, thus giving me clarity in my prayer life on behalf of others.
~Furthermore I have noticed physical changes in my body as well. I have been amazed at the increase of energy I have been experiencing. My desire to stay in a physically healthy state through diet an exercise has increased. And even my countenance has taken on a whole new glow.
~Yes, studying the PHOENIX is revealing to me that I am arising to a closer relationship with all things through the power of 'leaving the old ways behind' in order to operate in this new place and understanding of all I am, in GOD and all He is in me and that I am rising up from old into new life. AMAZING!
~Once again, I encourage you to spend time in the QUIET. There is so much to be learned and revealed there. You will be amazed. SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Monday, October 21, 2013

Take a Leap of Faith

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-21-13

~ TAKE that LEAP of FAITH ~

"In my QUIET TIME this morning, I heard, within my spirit, YOU ARE ON THE EDGE/VERGE. Of course, like anyone, my first thought to that statement was, 'ON THE EDGE OF WHAT?' Then I traveled in my mind from my past to present not focusing on any one thing, yet there is clearly a pattern that has emerged through out my lifetime. ~I am a QUANTUM LEAPER. As of late, I also realize that my FAITH, TRUST and VULNERABILITY in the realm of all things DIVINE and GODLY, have transported me beyond a fear factor. Where I have been does not matter and where I am going does not matter. It is where I am in the PRESENT that makes all the difference in LIFE.

The few times in life that I have stopped short of stepping off the EDGE or into the rabbit hole, some may say, have only caused to restrict the free flow of the DIVINE nature that is eager to flow from me to the world around me. So, contrary to well meaning warnings, to 'PLAY IT SAFE,' FAITH, and PROMISE cause me to awaken and open my eyes wide to all the possibilities in LIFE. Many times these very virtues call me away from comfort zones. On the EDGE I hear... 'You will never know unless you TRY.'

While I do not expect or even desire that anyone does things or lives life the way I do, isn't it comforting to know that Creator/God has made us in His Image, as diverse as we all are and, says, "It is GOOD." After all, Being on the EDGE is not a BAD thing. YOU NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU TRY.
SHINE ON you wonderful people, SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Come to the QUIET and SOAR

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-19-13

~Come to the QUIET and SOAR~

I encourage you to dive deep into your own QUIET TIME. You may find out exactly what you have wanted to know about the depths of who you are.

"There is a hum, a vibration, a reverberation, that goes on inside of me all the time. There you go, I said, it. I wake to its sound every day. I feel its movement with in me and with in my spirit all the time. It is even more clear during my quiet times and my walking prayer times, but it is there all the time if I stop to center in on it. After having a good long talk with someone very close and dear to me the other evening about this phenomenon, I know it is the HEARTBEAT of who I am. The HEARTBEAT of WHO I AM is the same HEARTBEAT of my CREATOR. I AM made in CREATORS IMAGE, so, it stands to reason that even while I AM housed in this finite body, MY SPIRIT (Which is infinite) and everything about it is BOUNDLESS. What an amazing revelation.

It is what causes my JOY, CHEERFULNESS, PEACE, KINDNESS, EMPATHY, GENTLENESS AND LOVE. All of which are as BOUNDLESS as my spirit. Did I just say BOUNDLESS??? I believe I did.

In the QUIET TIME, is to be found the truth that in the SPIRIT there are no boundaries. Come to the QUIET and soar." Shine on, dear friend, shine on.

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Friday, October 18, 2013

What Makes YOU Tick?

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-18-13

~ What Makes YOU Tick? ~

In my QUIET TIME this morning, this question dropped into my heart very clearly, "What makes you TICK?'

"At heart, I am a gentle, sensitive, individual with a deep understanding of people, a very tolerant, accepting, non-judgemental approach towards life. I am receptive, responsive, impressionable and did I say gentle? Because of this I have always had a deeply spiritual feel about life. I am called by many, a "DREAMER." I have always had an intuitive sense of the vastness and oneness of ALL life. Because of this it may seem to others that many "worldly" aspirations, goals and striving just don't matter as much to me as the hearts of people do.

However, do not mistake my gentle, vulnerability for utter weakness, as it is in my VULNERABILITY and OPENNESS that my true-self and strength reside. Some tell me, "Carla-Rae you wear your heart on your sleeve. You could get hurt." While that may be true, I have come to a place of TRUST in the hearts of people that even if someone does strike out to cause harm, it is merely a reflection of their own wounded heart. My feelings, my heart, my intuition, my CREATOR GOD are what/who lead me most often and I know it bewilders my more down to earth, rational, family and friends. I am glad you love me just the same.I am unstructured and mutable, free flowing which enables me to see many different view points. My nature helps me to stay consistent and disciplined in my thoughts and prayers for others.

So, now that I have shared my heart with you today and WHAT MAKES ME TICK, perhaps you will take time in your QUIET moments and find out just WHAT MAKES YOU TICK. You may find out what an amazing person you are. AND if you listen closely you will hear CREATOR GOD speak to your heart these comforting words, 'IT IS GOOD. I AM WELL PLEASED.' As He overshadows you with HIS LOVE." SHINE ON dear friends, SHINE ON!

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

World Peace

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-17-13


"When we are calm, quiet, confident, and at PEACE within our hearts, we find strength. Everything we do in calmness turns away disturbance and discord from within our inner being and even that which is swirling around on the outside cannot seem to penetrate the PEACE and resolve we carry. Further as we walk and operate in that place of PEACE, it flows from us and any tension or unrest around us seems to diminish in the presence of our PEACE. As we offer our calm presence to the WORLD we encounter each day, we truly can have WORLD PEACE. We must BE the PEACE we desire."

SHINE ON, dear people, SHINE ON!

Peace and Blessings for a wonderful day,

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-16-13


"Listen to your heart. What does that mean? I means that it is time that we step up and go beyond what WE HAVE BEEN TOLD ALL OF OUR LIVES. I am not saying to ignore wise counsel, but even then, the CHOICE is ours to make. In actuality, when we LISTEN TO OUR HEART we are making a strong choice to BE all we are meant to BE.

We are to trust our inner voice, follow our dreams, share our FEELINGS. When we share our feelings by reaching out to others, we then are in a place to offer our LOVE without RESTRAINT, RESISTANCE, CONDITIONS OR JUDGEMENTS. This POWERFUL practice of FOLLOWING OUR HEART will CREATE opportunities of celebrating JOY, PEACE, and opportunities for more of those virtues to flood our own lives. Doors begin to open that we never thought were possible. Relationships grow and flourish. We begin to see ourselves for the TRUTH of WHO we were created to BE and the CREATOR of all, looks upon us once again and says, "IT IS GOOD."
ALL because we took a step and FOLLOWED OUR HEART. Wherever you go, go with all your heart. CREATOR is showing us the way, through the HEART.

SHINE ON, precious friends, SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

QUIET TIME WORDS BY Carla-Rae 10-15-13

"I 'woke up/awakened' this morning with a song in my heart. I had to go to google to find out the original musician. I found him right away, Barry McGuire. The song, COSMIC COWBOY. I had heard this song for the first time over 30 years ago when I was a younger woman. It spoke straight to my heart then and it has brought me full circle as I continue to travel my "awakening journey."

The SHINE I always refer to and folks tell me is always around me, is the awareness of who I am. I AM the expressed image of my CREATOR. My CREATOR SHINES in me and out of me and I offer that SHINE to all of YOU whole heartedly.... We are on an amazing journey together.

Enjoy your "HAPPY TUESDAY" as my good friend Albert Walta, greeted me with earlier today. SHINE On my friends.

Peace and Blessings,

Monday, October 14, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 10-14-13

TRUE SELF~ (Thank you, Joe)

"Actually, my QUIET TIME WORD is a sentence that keeps resonating through me and it was written a while ago by some very close to me. He wrote, 'Once you decide to reach for the vision of the TRUE SELF there is no turning back.'

As I have been growing and healing and walking in this new place in my life, I realize that my vulnerability is, in fact, my greatest strength. I have ALLOWED myself to be open to ALL the FLAVORS of LIFE, without fear of being HURT. I am OPEN with only my TRUE-SELF being made visible. In that place I have found selflessness, and my CREATOR smiling and speaking to my heart "WELL DONE." Such LIBERTY.

Might I offer to YOU, that contrary to what we have been taught all of our lives resistance only brings more of what we don't want. By ALLOWING and SURRENDER are we truly free. Truly, I cannot nor do I want to go back to my old way of resistance. I have SURRENDERED to the discovery of my TRUE-SELF. Won't you join me? SHINE ON!"

Peace and Blessings for a Wonderful day,

Sunday, October 13, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 10-13-13

"As I began to stir this morning after a long night's sleep, like I have not had in quite a while, I began to survey how I felt. Refreshed, definitely.

Then two words came into my mind BLISS and SERENE. I realized that in that very moment I was in fact in a place of BLISS; Perfect happiness and serene joy. Then I thought on the word SERENE, Ahhhh, there it is... Calm, peaceful, untroubled, tranquil, unaffected by disturbance; unloaded, fair, clear and bright...

As I began to focus on these words and their meanings, I also began to see the essence of both dancing around me, swirling, mutable, flowing, dipping, like they were coaxing me to embrace them in the dance. Mind you, my feet had not even hit the floor yet and I was already being called to dance with these two graceful dance partners. They enveloped me. As I put my feet to the floor, I was already set for the day. Well, rested, in a state of BLISS and SERENITY.

I invite you to join me on the dance floor with the TWO gracious instructors, for an A M A Z I N G day.

Peace and blessings, for a wonderful day,

Saturday, October 12, 2013

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 10-12-13


"~ GRACE ~ is the word that came to me as I opened my eyes this morning. I began to think of the different meanings

of the word ~ ~GRACE ~. 1. Simple elegance, or refined movement, ease, 2. to do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence. 3. God's unmerited favor upon us: and several more. The one that has stuck itself in my heart is ~ To Do honor or credit to (someone or something) by one's presence. ~

Truthfully, I must admit, until recently, I never saw myself as someone whose presence brought honor or credit to anything or anyone. Until I began to look at Carla-Rae for who Carla-Rae is, did I ever see my value. Without doing a single thing, I AM, the essence of creative life, love, peace, joy kindness, honor, respect, patience, temperance, truth, enthusiasm, quirkiness, and so many more amazing qualities simply because I am a by product of my CREATOR. So, when I do SHOW UP and become present, my presence is a gift, therefore I GRACE someone or something just by BEING. Again, I don't have to do a thing, except SHOW UP. Everything else will fall into place.

That said, YOU, my dear friends, GRACE me every day, by SHOWING UP either here on my BLOG, FACE BOOK or in person or by phone or email. YOU GRACE and honor me with YOU BEING YOU, every single day. I just want you to know how grateful I am. SHINE ON dear ones, SHINE ON!!!!

Peace and Blessings for a wonderful day,

Friday, October 11, 2013

What WE GIVE ~

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 10-11-13


"Whatever we give away to others, we open ourselves up to. Therefore, when we choose to offer LOVE to another, no matter who the other is, we expand ourselves to become receptors of the same LOVE. It is wise to choose to be givers of all the virtues that bless others. Sorta brings clarity to the golden rule. ~ Do to to others what you would have them do to you.~" SHINE ON, Precious people, SHINE ON!"

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,


Wednesday, October 9, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-09-13


"This morning as I prepared for my day in my QUIET TIME, very distinctly I heard within my SPIRIT, "It is time to CELEBRATE." Of course my first thought after that was a question, "WHAT am I to celebrate?" Without hesitation the response dialogue, (with myself) that took place was nothing short of profoundly simple. "EVERY moment is cause for celebration!" Response, "REALLY? EVERY MOMENT?" Then, "Why is it that YOU always think celebration should only revolve around what you perceive as momentous occasions?" "WELL, since you put it that way, I am thinking every moment of life, whether we perceive it as good or not so good, in its own way, affects our lives in terms of growth. AND that it is up to us to REJOICE/CELEBRATE in every moment rather than in only the ones that APPEAR/SEEM momentous, I mean really what is MOMENTOUS anyway? Isn't MOMENTOUS simply another word for the MOMENTS?"

So, after that conversation with myself, I realized that OUR CREATOR truly wants us to CELEBRATE the moments of our lives and not miss a single one by looking to a perceived BIGGER MOMENT. EVERY moment carries with it CAUSE TO CELEBRATE." SHINE ON, my dear friends, SHINE ON.

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Becoming Who I have Always Been...

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 10-08-13

"As I sat in the early morning light, just as the sun gradually began to rise and brush the darkness off the sky, I felt the glow of anticipation rising in my spirit, my heart, my whole being. I felt total and complete gratitude for another moment of LIFE. My whole essence became JOY personified. I saw, in that early morning quiet, the GLOW of PROMISE coming toward me like a close on constant friend. I realized in that instant, that I am becoming who I have ALWAYS been. Who I was created to be from the beginning. The LOVE that I have always desired to BE... I AM. So, was this early morning time any different then any other I have experienced? For ME...YES! I have stepped into yet another moment of spiritual reality.
TODAY, my dear friends, it is my prayer that the whole essence of who each of you have been created to be will come into more clarity for you. SHINE ON, dear ones, SHINE ON."

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 10-07-13

"In communicating with a dear friend via virtual media today, he shared a very profound comment with me. He said, 'LOVE is the DREAM CATCHER OF THE HEART.'
A dream catcher, allows the good/positive to pass through while catching the bad/negative processing that energy and then it melts away in the morning light. So, then LOVE IS THE DREAMCATCHER OF THE HEART, indicates that LOVE will wash and process the negative and bathe it in it's warm glow. LOVE. WOW, may we truly ALLOW it to work in and operate through us." SHINE ON!

(Jim Atwell, Thank you for your insight.)

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Friday, September 6, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 9-6-13

"TRUE soul transformation comes to us when we have DIVINE HEART COMMUNICATION with our CREATOR. This kind of COMMUNICATION does not require WORDS. It is simply a matter of transcending, rising above the clutter of thoughts to focus on CREATOR and His WAY. HIS WAY is LOVE."

Peace and Blessings for a wonderful day,

I Invite you to COME TO THE QUIET.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Blessing in Front of YOU

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 9-5-13

"Look UP. It is a new Day. Besides if you are looking DOWN you will miss the blessing standing rigjt in front of you."

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Character and Integrity

QUIET TIME WORD, by Carla-Rae 9-4-13

"CHARACTER and INTEGRITY; how we live our lives even when no one is watching, for those who know our heart never have to question it."

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 9-3-13

"Our prayers seem much more clear when we step outside to rejuvenate our Spirit, Heart, Soul and Body. As we allow the beauty of CREATION; saturate us with it's goodness, sunshine, fresh air, and the music of NATURE, clarity and refreshing become our blessings. Step outside... BREATH IN the refreshing."

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Monday, September 2, 2013

Love and Kindness

QUIET TIME WORD, by Carla-Rae 9-2-13

"The voice of our CREATOR washes over us to heal the wounds and scars of our lives. With gentleness Creator whispers guidance and LOVE to our being. Ours is to take that LOVE and KINDNESS to the WORLD around us, to become the HEALING and essence of LOVE we have been created to be."

Peace and blessings to you for a wonderful day,

The Heartbeat

QUIET TIME WORD, By Carla-Rae 9-1-13

"In this present time the HEAVENS and the atmosphere are on FIRE with the heartbeat of CREATOR. It is palpable. Think about it. Are we LISTENING to what is being revealed at such a time as this? LOOK around OBSERVE and then determine your part in the HEARTBEAT" Just sayin'

Peace and blessings,

Friday, August 30, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 8-30-13


"This morning in my QUIET TIME in my spirit I heard, 'When was the last time you really ENJOYED yourself?' I realized that I had to take a moment to think about it. I thought, 'Is this a trick question?' I even looked up the meaning of the word, ENJOY, just to be sure I understood what was being impressed on my heart...

~1. to delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion); a. to have a pleasant time, b. to urge someone to take pleasure in what is being offered or is about to happen,
2. Benefit from; be blessed with.~

After reading the meaning of ENJOY I felt a SMILE come across my face, because I realize I find more in life to ENJOY than not.

Here is to YOU, ALL, hoping that YOU find more to ENJOY each day than not."

Peace and blessings,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 8-27-13


"The smile you give away may be the candle that you light in someone's darkness. Never underestimate the magical gift that your smile is to others, REALLY."

Peace and blessings for a great day,

Sunday, August 25, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 8-25-13

"Even when we lightly brush into another person's life, we leave a part of ourselves, part of our essence. Let it be that we always leave the essence of loving kindness. This will always cause a good remembrance."

Peace and blessings,

Friday, August 23, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 8-24-13

"Being 'FEAR-LESS' means being 'LOVE-FULL.' When we are full of unconditional love, there is NO room for FEAR. The two, fear and love, cannot co-exist. So, the next time FEAR tries to grip you, let it tuck its tail and run, while you focus on LOVE. LOVE, after all, is the strongest power there is."

Peace and blessings,

It Does a Body Good

QUIET TIME WORD By Carla-Rae 8-23-13


"Each day we find out that we are exposed to new and harmful contagions. I have decided to counter act these contagions with something that can be equally contagious, but actually good for us. JOY! Yes, I am suggesting we start an all out campaign to spread the JOY Virus where ever we go. The symptoms start with a happy thought or kind deed that slips out through a SMILE and thus begins to infect those we encounter with JOY. Now that is a contagion worth spreading around."

Peace and Blessings,

Thursday, August 22, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae 8-22-13

"LOVE always wins/succeeds! ... Where there is:impatience, LOVE is patient...Where there is Unkindness, LOVE is Kind...Where there is Greed, LOVE is giving...Where there is Haughtiness, or pride, LOVE is humble...Where there is Rudeness, LOVE is gentle...Where there is Distrust, LOVE always trusts...Where there is hopelessness, LOVE always HOPES...Where there is failure, LOVE never fails. As we practice and live LOVE, we become the prevailing force that LOVE is. How cool is that? Be a sure winner, LOVE."

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Life Abundant

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 8-21-13

"Life grows where the river flows" Where there is fresh, free flowing water there is abundant life. Likewise, where there is stale, stagnant water there is dis-ease and death. Our thought life is like a river. What we focus our thoughts on determines what we get in return; Life abundant, or NOT. The choice is ours.

Peace and blessing for a wonderful day.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Through the Eyes of LOVE

QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 8-20-12

"It would be wise of us to, resolutely, determine to view ourselves and others through the eyes of "LOVE," as the masterpieces, we have been created to be. We should not allow ourselves or others to paint a picture of us that is not in keeping with the masterpiece that is who we, each, are. Nor should we look at others as any less than a creation of LOVE. Nowhere else is there another who is just like Me Or just like You. How amazing is that?" Just sayin'

Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,

Monday, August 19, 2013


QUIET TIME WORD by Carla-Rae 8-19-12

"Each Day starts brand new. Each day, one more colorful gem in the great mosaic of our lives. Each day a blessing lavished on us by GOD CREATOR of ALL, Who designed us with a free will, to make the most of this day, or not. It is our choice."
Peace and blessings for a wonderful day,