Friday, June 30, 2017

Forward Momentum

Forward Momentum, by Carla-Rae

( You/We REALLY are moving Forward.)

So, in my Quiet Time I was meditating, and while I have found myself frustrated about what I see as a lack of forward momentum, I was given a beautiful visual.
In the vision, I was in a commercial airliner about to reach cruising altitude. As I looked out the aircraft window, I could see for miles and miles over a clear horizon and then I looked down. From the altitude, it seemed as though nothing was moving below me. Yet, I knew I was seated in an aircraft that was cruising at a mere 500 miles per hour. HOLY, MOLY! So, something IS moving!
That visual helped me to realize that while it seems there is no forward momentum, I am cruising in my forward direction at great speed. It just doesn't feel that way.
Don't be fooled by the ILLUSION. I/You am/are making great progress and moving quickly in a forward direction.
You can THANK me for sharing this divine revelation, when you reach your destination.
Until then, SHINE ON!

Be Happy

A Quiet Time Word, by  Carla-Rae

BE HAPPY, by Carla-Rae~
~Find reasons to be happy, and pretty soon you find you are always happy, because there is always SOMETHING to be HAPPY about.
You cannot expect to have a 'Happy Ending' if you are not finding things to be happy about along the way.
No, Carla-Rae, your head is not in the clouds. You face challenges every day, just like everyone else. You are making the CHOICE to find the JOY and HAPPINESS, rather than focusing on what isn't. Do you fall sometimes? Hell, yeah!, Yet you get back up, shake yourself off and find something to be GRATEFUL for, which makes you HAPPY. That a girl! You are getting it. ~