Friday, June 30, 2017

Forward Momentum

Forward Momentum, by Carla-Rae

( You/We REALLY are moving Forward.)

So, in my Quiet Time I was meditating, and while I have found myself frustrated about what I see as a lack of forward momentum, I was given a beautiful visual.
In the vision, I was in a commercial airliner about to reach cruising altitude. As I looked out the aircraft window, I could see for miles and miles over a clear horizon and then I looked down. From the altitude, it seemed as though nothing was moving below me. Yet, I knew I was seated in an aircraft that was cruising at a mere 500 miles per hour. HOLY, MOLY! So, something IS moving!
That visual helped me to realize that while it seems there is no forward momentum, I am cruising in my forward direction at great speed. It just doesn't feel that way.
Don't be fooled by the ILLUSION. I/You am/are making great progress and moving quickly in a forward direction.
You can THANK me for sharing this divine revelation, when you reach your destination.
Until then, SHINE ON!

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