Friday, April 4, 2014



"DO you BELIEVE that if you FIGHT AGAINST a thing, a situation, or circumstance, your fight mode it will cause that issue to cease?
Today, I was presented with and invited to an event that is coming up later this month. It is a conference to "FIGHT AGAINST" an issue/cause that is prevalent in our society today. Much like the WAR on DRUGS, Fighting against Cancer, the event is basically speaking and fighting AGAINST something that is negative and affects innocent people.

As I thought about it, something was triggered inside me. Not that the cause isn't important, but how we address the cause is what stuck out to me.
I began to think about how long we have been FIGHTING against DRUG use in our society, and how long we have been seeking a cure for cancer and FIGHTING against it. How long we have fought against prostitution and pornography and so on. I KNOW, I have lent my energy to many of these FIGHTS.

The thought occurred to me. IF FIGHTING were the answer all of these issues would already be resolved. I mean WOW we have been fighting these issues a LONG time. Clearly fighting isn't getting it... Whatever the masses focus their attention on keeps showing up. It is a powerful energy when folks all get together to FIGHT. It dredges up anger, frustration, rage, bitterness. That energy keeps the issues ever ALIVE to be fought

I am just putting a different thought process to the issue of FIGHTING. What if we all put our energy toward the opposite of FIGHTING and united in GRATITUDE, PEACE, LOVE and JOY? We might just see issues change for the better, cures be found and the end of the FIGHTING. Well, I may be crucified for saying that, but I'd be in good company. There have been many contemporaries imprisoned and even murdered to keep their mouths shut about LOVE, PEACE and JOY being the energy that would CHANGE our WORLD.

Thanks for allowing me to share. I think I will just keep shining and being grateful that there are answers to all of the issues we face and we do not have to FIGHT to get them."

Peace and blessings always

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