Sunday, June 1, 2014

QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae June 1, 2014, HIGHER LOVE an Affirmation By Carla-Rae

QUIET TIME WORD BY Carla-Rae June 1, 2014

HIGHER LOVE an Affirmation
By Carla-Rae

"So here it is, last night as I drifted off to sleep I was listening to amazing Steve Winwood's Song HIGHER LOVE. As I woke this morning this thought occurred to me and the affirmation followed. I will declare this, openly and freely, and you may follow me or not, but this is it...
As LIFE goes, and we as humans see it in spaces of time, I HAVE LESS TIME, IN THIS REALM OF LIVING ,THAN I DID YESTERDAY. WITH That thought in mind I am not wasting one more second, intentionally, worrying about the SMALL stuff or the BIG stuff, for that matter.
I am going to live my life like any second I could be outta here. Don't be concerned, I am not going to be all early "Dallas Buyers Club" and just throw away common sense.
Here is what I am going to do, write it down or lock it in your memory banks, so when you see me you will know I am serious about this affirmation.

~CARLA-RAE is LOVE, Therefore she is going to operate in LOVE.
There are people that have been placed in my life as Treasured Gifts and I opening those gifts to lavish the LOVE that I am upon them.
NO holding back LOVE (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is JOY~ Therefore she is spreading her JOY. Everyone she encounters will get a full dose of JOY in her presence.
NO holding back JOY (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is PEACE ~ Therefore, PEACE will rest upon the hearts of those who enter her presence, like a blanket of warmth.
NO holding back PEACE (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is FAITHFULNESS/LOYALTY ~ Therefore, she will always be a LOYAL confident, friend you can count on and TRUST.
NO holding back LOYALTY (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is GOODNESS ~ Therefore, you will always know that GOODWILL toward you is a byproduct of her nature.
NO holding back GOODNESS (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is GENTLENESS ~ Therefore, you will always be treated with GENTLENESS, even when it seems out of order because gentleness and Carla-Rae are the same.
NO holding back GENTLENESS (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is PATIENCE ~ Therefore, no matter how many times you come to her with the SAME ISSUE and she gives you the SAME ANSWER, she will do it over and over again with PATIENCE.
No Holding back PATIENCE (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is SELF-CONTROL ~ Therefore, while she is wide open with all of her virtues, you never need fear they will be out of control. Even if you don't get it/understand her.
No holding back SELF-CONTROL (Check)
~CARLA-RAE is KINDNESS ~ Therefore, regardless of how she is treated she will always offer her character of kindness, because that is who she is.
No holding back KINDNESS (Check)

Oh yes, and BOLD, Carla-Rae is BOLD to put AFFIRMATION/DECLARATION out for the masses to see. However, because she is OPEN her transparency is her STRENGTH.
Her favorite equation is simply LOVE = NO FEAR.

YES, The Greatest of all that CARLA-RAE LOVE which covers a multitude of issues that could be looked upon as problems."

So, there you have it. I am living like there is no tomorrow, and this is my method of operation."

Keep Shining, dear ones, like there is no tomorrow, keep shining!

Peace for a wonderful PRESENT/NOW/PRESENCE/GIFT
 (4 photos)

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