Thursday, October 1, 2015

QUIET TIME By Carla-Rae October 1, 2015

a real life encounter by Carla Rae

Before I even had gotten my ~ blissful ~ morning coffee, the question had been posed to me, by an individual who seems annoyed by my SHINE, 'DO you really think you are going to be successful in life, in the things that really matter, by being so simple and idealistic?' The question followed by a bellowed 'WAKE UP, the world is not IDEAL. Take off those damn rose colored glasses'.

I am thinking this person did not REALLY want to hear my answer as he/she stormed off while I stood there with that silly grin, the one those who know me well, have seen more times than they can count.
'Oh well', I thought, 'another who got pissed off at me for being SHINY.'

Yet I had that question rolling around in me so I have decided to address it.
My first and simple response is 'YES.'
Further, not only do I believe I can succeed in life with the attitude that desires to see the BEST in everything, I have already succeeded in things a weaker resolve would never have even embarked upon. I SHINE because I choose to. I SHINE when I am not even thinking about SHINING.
SHINE as I see it is a blending of all the virtues which are encompassed in LOVE.

The way I see it, through my LOVELY ROSE COLORED glasses, the world, and its inhabitants, are screaming in the faces of the very ones who are AWAKE or in the process of AWAKENING, just like my SHINY self, already knowing that their answer is to become BRIGHT and SHINY themselves.

The only way to succeed is to become pure in heart. WAKE UP to the fact that nothing will change in our WORLD, if we don't make changes in ourselves.
It is not ROCKET SCIENCE, it is all a matter of the HEART.
We can continue by screaming in the faces of those who are changing and AWAKENING, or we can change and awaken ourselves. Thereby releasing our SHINE to see our WORLD in a whole new light. Further because this heart light shine is my true calling I am seeing more and more of what the world calls, success, manifest itself in my life daily...

That is my definition of SUCCESS.
As for me, I am gonna put on my rosey glasses and SHINE ON!

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